(A)   Wage administration program. The City of Danville, Illinois Wage Administration Program, and its accompanying charts (“Wage Charts”), adopted by Ordinance 7966 is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein.
      (1)   The City’s wage administration program shall consist of the following wage administration charts:
         (a)   Section A - Salaries of Elected Officials.
         (b)   Section B - Non-Union Full- Time Employees - Annual Rates.
         (c)   Section C - Part Time, Seasonal, Temporary Employees - Hourly Rates.
         (d)   Section D - Union Agreement and Contract Employees.
      (2)   Section A of the City’s wage administration program shall be amended by City ordinance in accord with State of Illinois statutes covering the establishment of elected officials' salaries.
      (3)   Section B of the City’s wage administration program shall be amended, by ordinance, annually or as needed to reflect changes in positions or annual salaries for non- union full-time employees.
      (4)   Section C of the City’s wage administration program shall be amended, by ordinance, annually or as needed to reflect changes in part-time, seasonal, or temporary positions or their hourly rate of pay.
      (5)   Section D of the City’s wage administration program shall be amended automatically upon adoption by the City Council of any new collective bargaining agreement.
      (6)   The City’s Finance department shall maintain the wage administration program as set out above and shall make such information available to the City Council when changes are made.
   (B)   Pay periods. All salaries shall be paid on every and/or every other Friday, for the week which ended the previous Tuesday. If such Friday should be a holiday the payments will be made on Thursday.
      (1)   The City Comptroller shall prepare a payroll list which when signed by the mayor, shall be the authority for the comptroller to authorize the issuance of checks for the salaries or wages indicated to be due.
      (2)   Deductions shall be made as authorized by law or approved by the Council.
(Ord. 7339, passed 7-19-88; Am. Ord. 7592, passed 8-4-92; Am. Ord. 7619, passed 12-15-92; Am. Ord. 7625, passed 2-16-93; Am. Ord. 7645, passed 4-20-93; Am. Ord. 7664, passed 10-5-93; Am. Ord. 7702, passed 5-3-94; Am. Ord. 7713, passed 6-21-94; Am. Ord. 7729, passed 9-20-94; Am. Ord. 7734, passed 11-1-94; Am. Ord. 7744, passed 2-21-95; Am. Ord. 7750, passed 3-7-95; Am. Ord. 7754, passed 3-21-95; Am. Ord. 7762, passed 5-2-95; Am. Ord. 7767, passed 5-16-95; Am. Ord. 7830, passed 4-16-96; Am. Ord. 7837, passed 6-4-96; Am. Ord. 7849, passed 8-6-96; Am. Ord. 7894, passed 4-15-97; Am. Ord. 7901, passed 6-17-97; Am. Ord. 7914, passed 9-2-97; Am. Ord. 7925, passed 11-4-97; Am. Ord. 7962, passed 5-5-98; Am. Ord. 7966, passed 7-7-98; Am. Ord. 8024, passed 4-20-99; Am. Ord. 8032, passed 7-20-99; Am. Ord. 8035, passed 8-17-99; Am. Ord. 8036, passed 9-7-99; Am. Ord. 8045, passed 11-2-99; Am. Ord. 8083, passed 3-21-00; Am. Ord. 8086, passed 4-4-00; Am. Ord. 8094, passed 4-18-00; Am. Ord. 8098, passed 5-16-00; Am. Ord. 8160, passed 2-6-01; Am. Ord. 8173, passed 3-20-01; Am. Ord. 8182, passed 4-17-01; Am. Ord. 8228, passed 1-15-02; Am. Ord. 8243, passed 4-2-02; Am. Ord. 8244, passed 4-16-02; Am. Ord. 8247, passed 5-7-02; Am. Ord. 8279, passed 9-17-02; Am. Ord. 8280, passed 10-1-02; Am. Ord. 8287, passed 11-19-02; Am. Ord. 8299, passed 1-21-03; Am. Ord. 8311, passed 4-15-03; Am. Ord. 8312,passed 5-6-03; Am. Ord. 8318, passed 7-15-03; Am. Ord. 8346, passed 3-16-04; Am. Ord. 8374, passed 6-1-04; Am. Ord. 8383, passed 9-7-04; Am. Ord. 8387, passed 10-5-04; Am. Ord. 8394, passed 11-9-04; Am. Ord. 8429, passed 5-17-05; Am. Ord. 8445, passed 8-16-05; Am. Ord. 8448, passed 9-6-05; Am. Ord. 8465, passed 1-3-06; Am. Ord. 8483, passed 6-6-06; Am. Ord. 8496, passed 9-5-06; Am. Ord. 8508, passed 11-7-06; Am. Ord. 8510, passed 11-21-06; Am. Ord. 8522, passed 12-19-06; Am. Ord. 8523, passed 1-2-07; Am. Ord. 8531, passed 3-6-07; Am. Ord. 8540, passed 5-1-07; Am. Ord. 8551, passed 10-2-07; Am. Ord. 8559, passed 12-18-07; Am. Ord. 8593, passed 8-5-08; Am. Ord. 8628, passed 2-3-09; Am. Ord. 8635, passed 2-17-09; Am. Ord. 8650, passed 6-16-09; Am. Ord. 8660, passed 8-4-09; Am. Ord. 8705, passed 6-15-10; Am. Ord. 8714, passed 11-2-10; Am. Ord. 8715, passed 11-11-10; Am. Ord. 8761, passed 11-15-12; Am. Ord. 8799, passed 4-17-12; Am. Ord. 8809, passed 5-15-12; Am. Ord. 8821, passed 7-17-12; Am. Ord. 8832, passed 9-4-12; Am. Ord. 8866, passed 2-19-13; Am. Ord. 8869, passed 3-5-13; Am. Ord. 8874, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 8880, passed 5-7-13; Am. Ord. 8884, passed 6-4-13; Am. Ord. 8888, passed 6-18-13; Am. Ord. 8900, passed 10-1-13; Am. Ord. 8907, passed 11-5-13; Am. Ord. 8945, passed 5-20-14; Am. Ord. 8964, passed 10-21-14; Am. Ord. 8965, passed 10-21-14; Am. Ord. 8997, passed 6-16-15; Am. Ord. 9007, passed 8-18-15; Am. Ord. 9008, passed 8-18-15; Am. Ord. 9030, passed 1-5-16; Am. Ord. 9049, passed 4-19-16; Am. Ord. 9104, passed 6-6-17; Am. Ord. 9110, passed 9-5-17; Am. Ord. 9120, passed 12-5-17; Am. Ord. 9168, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 9171, passed 10-2-18; Am. Ord. 9173, passed 10-2-18; Am. Ord. 9174, passed 10-2-18; Am. Ord. 9207, passed 5-21-19; Am. Ord. 9227, passed 11-5-19; Am. Ord. 9265, passed 5-19-20; Am. Ord. 9285, passed 10-6-20; Am. Ord. 9304, passed 12-15-20; Am. Ord. 9309, passed 2-16-21; Am. Ord. 9316, passed 4-4-21; Am. Ord. 9328, passed 8-3-21; Am. Ord. 9334, passed 9-7-21; Am. Ord. 9351, passed 12-21-21; Am. Ord. 9363, passed 3-1-22; Am. Ord. 9387, passed 8-16-22; Am. Ord. 9391, passed 10-4-22; Am. Ord. 9429, passed 4-4-23; Am. Ord. 9434, passed 5-2-23; Am. Ord. 9438, passed 5-16-23; Am. Ord. 9466, passed 2-6-24; Am. Ord. 9469, passed 3-5-24; Am. Ord. 9477, passed 5-7-24)
   (C)   Holiday pay. In order to receive pay for the holiday, all employees must work a complete scheduled work day on their last scheduled day before the holiday and the first scheduled workday after the holiday unless they are on authorized paid leave or with permission from their appropriate department head or the Mayor.
   (D)   Overtime and compensatory time policies for non-union employees. Regular eligible full-time non-union employees shall be entitled to overtime pay or compensatory time off as provided in the following sub-sections.
      (1)   In general. It shall be the policy of the City to limit the payment of overtime and allowance of compensatory time to the extent possible. The City recognizes that it is necessary in some departments to allow overtime pay and/or compensatory time off; however, the use of these practices shall be regulated as follows.
      (2)   Overtime and compensatory time eligibility.
         (a)   Exempt employees. The following classifications of employees are exempt from the overtime payment requirements of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), 29 USC 201, et seq., except as otherwise provided in this subsection (a):
            1.   Executive Management Positions (employee classification nos. 101 to 149, inclusive) shall be exempt from the overtime payment requirements; and
            2.   Manager/Superintendent Positions and Other Non-Union Positions (employee classification nos. 151 to 599, inclusive) except as listed in the paragraph below.
Such employees shall not be eligible for compensatory time off except as hereinafter provided, but shall be eligible for overtime pay at 1.5 times straight time rate for hours worked over the normal 40-hour pay period from Wednesday through Tuesday, when such work results from attendance at required training or is the result of special project assignments or specific directions by the employee’s department head. Compensatory time may be used in lieu of overtime pay only at the discretion of the department head with approval of the Mayor. Attendance at City Council meetings, oversight committee meetings, sub-committee meetings, commission meetings, or board meetings relevant to their City employment shall not be eligible for earned compensatory time or overtime pay unless authorized in advance by the department head and the Mayor.
      Notwithstanding the foregoing, any employee in classification nos. 151 to 599, inclusive, shall be entitled to overtime credit at the rate of 1.5 times straight-time rate for callouts at night or on Saturday, Sunday or holiday listed or described in § 39.06(A), provided such employee has actually worked at least 40 hours during the applicable pay period. Also, with prior approval by both the department head and the Mayor, any employee in classification nos. 151 to 599 inclusive, shall be eligible for overtime credit for any approved project which exceeds the ability for completion during the course of the normal work day. No overtime credit shall be given unless the employee has actually worked at least 40 hours during the applicable pay period unless authorized in advance by the department head and the Mayor. Also, no employee in classification nos. 151 to 599 inclusive, shall accumulate more than 40 hours of compensatory time off.
         (b)   Non-exempt employees.
            1.   Non-union employees. All employees who are not represented by a collective bargaining unit recognized by the City and not described under subsection (a) above shall not be exempt from the provisions of FLSA. However, such employees shall be subject to the following restrictions:
               (i)   No overtime work shall be taken unless authorized in advance by the department head;
               (ii)   No overtime credit shall be given unless the employee has actually worked at least 40 hours during the applicable pay period;
               (iii)   All authorized overtime shall be compensated by overtime pay at the rate of 1.5 times straight-time rates; and,
               (iv)   No employee shall accumulate more than 40 hours of compensatory time off.
         (c)   Union employees. Any employee who is represented by a collective bargaining unit recognized by the City shall be compensated for overtime work in accordance with the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement applicable to such employee.
      (3)   Payment for overtime and record keeping.
         (a)   Any payment for overtime hours worked made to an employee shall be recorded on the departmental time sheets and submitted with payroll on the Tuesday prior to the Friday when payroll is issued. Any such payments shall be calculated at the employees’ then hourly rate of pay.
         (b)   For the purposes of calculating eligibility for overtime pay and/or compensatory time off, earned time leave, sick leave, vacation leave and bereavement leave shall not be considered as time worked, but holidays shall be considered as time worked.
         (c)   Compensatory time records shall be maintained jointly by the employee and the department time keeper in the form of an ongoing log of time worked, time earned, time taken and balance available. Each entry on such log shall be initialed by the department head/supervisor to indicate his/her approval. Department heads/ supervisors shall not allow accumulation of compensatory time off over 40 hours.
(Ord. 7365, passed 11-1-88; Am. Ord. 8251, passed 5-21-02; Am. Ord. 8570, passed 2-5-08)