(A)   Policy.
      (1)   In order to best utilize the resources available to the City, employees are expected to use sound judgment to minimize the costs of necessary business travel. This policy includes regulations and restrictions governing travel expenses and shall apply to all City employees. The Mayor, at his discretion, reserves the right to exempt an employee from the provisions hereunder.
      (2)   All department and division heads are responsible for the dissemination and administration of this policy within their departments, and for monitoring travel expenses of their employees.
      (3)   All employees who travel on City business are responsible for compliance with the requirements of this policy, and for the exercise of sound judgment in their travel expenditures. City employees will use the most economical means available when traveling at City expense, will document all expenses incurred, and will complete all necessary travel requests and reports.
   (B)   Procedure.
      (1)   Travel Request and Expense Forms. Employees will complete a Travel Request and Expense form prior to any travel at City expense. The form shall include the conference information, anticipated distance for mileage, and a per diem request for anticipated expenses. All travel expenses paid in advance by purchase order, check, or city credit card require the approval of the department/division head and the Mayor prior to being incurred and shall be set forth on the Travel Request and Expense form. Any expenses incurred by the City without this approval subject the employee to personal liability for payment.
      (2)   Transportation.
         (a)   Public transportation. The City will pay the actual costs of coach or regular fare for public transportation by air, train or bus.
         (b)   Automobile. Employees shall inquire as to the availability of a city vehicle for use. If a city vehicle is used, the City will pay only the cost of actual expenses for gas, oil, and emergency repairs. If a private vehicle is used, after receiving prior authorization from the department head and Mayor, the City will pay the current IRS mileage rate at the time of travel for the most direct route to and from the conference, seminar, meeting or other business event (using the distance shown on mapquest or similar internet map site), up to a maximum equal to the cost of travel by public transportation.
         (c)   The City will also pay mileage for reasonable travel to restaurants for meals not provided with the conference, seminar, meeting, or other business event, by the most direct route to and from the restaurant nearest the event site.
         (d)   Employees are encouraged to travel together if they are going to the same location or close location. If employees travel together by a private vehicle, the City will pay mileage only to the owner of the vehicle, but the maximum limit may be raised due to the economy of travel in this manner.
         (e)   If travel by private vehicle extends the length of the trip beyond the time it would normally take by public transportation, the City will not pay for meals and lodging for the extended length of stay.
         (f)   In case of a breakdown or other emergency while traveling by a City car, the employee shall contact the department or division head immediately to determine what should be done with the vehicle.
         (g)   If an employee needs a rental car for a conference, seminar, meeting or other business event in a distant city, the City will pay the costs for such car rental, including mileage. The employee shall include this expense in estimating the cost of the trip beforehand, choose the most economical rental car available, and provide sufficient reason on the Travel Request and Expense form to justify the need for the car at that location.
      (3)   Lodging.
         (a)   The City will pay up to $100, plus taxes, a day for the actual cost of the most economical room rate available in a hotel or motel reasonably convenient to the trip destination or the rate of the hotel hosting the conference, seminar, or similar event.
         (b)   The City will not pay for suites or resort accommodations unless the expense is approved in advance of the trip.
         (c)   The City will pay a higher room rate for an employee attending a conference, seminar or other business event in a larger city (such as Chicago, New York, Washington D.C.) if the employee has received the prior approval of the Mayor.
      (4)   Meals and incidental expenses (M&IE).
         (a)   "Incidental expenses" include fees and tips given to hotel attendants, transportation between places of lodging or businesses and places where meals are taken if suitable meals cannot be obtained at the place of lodging or conference, seminar or other business event.
         (b)   When travel is 60 miles or less (per mapquest or similar internet map site), the per diem paid to an employee shall be $28.00 per day (represented as $7.50 for breakfast, $7.50 for lunch, and $13.00 for dinner). When travel is greater than 60 miles (per mapquest or similar internet map site), the employee will be paid a per diem for meals, including taxes and tips, and incidental expenses. The rate of per diem for travel of greater than 60 miles will be in accordance with the rate published by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) (available on www.gsa.gov/perdiemin) for the location of the conference, seminar or other business meeting. If neither the specific trip destination city or county is listed, the closest CONUS (Continental United States) destination listed on the GSA website will be used to determine the M&IE per diem rate.
         (c)   If the hotel, or conference, seminar or other business meeting provides a meal or meals, the amount of per diem associated with such meal or meals will be deducted from the per diem provided to the employee. If the employee has dietary needs or restrictions that will require a meal different from that provided by the hotel or conference, seminar or other business meeting, the employee shall note that on the Travel Request and Expense form submitted prior to the travel. The City will reimburse meals taken in lieu of the meal provided in order to meet dietary needs or restrictions. The cost of any meal taken in lieu of that provided by the hotel or conference, seminar or other business meeting which is not related to dietary needs or restrictions shall not be paid or reimbursed by the City.
         (d)   The City will reimburse actual charges for incidental expenses only when: documentation of actual charges is provided; and, the incidental portion of the M&IE daily per diem rate is deducted from the employee's total per diem for the particular day or days.
      (5)   Other expenses.
         (a)   Conference, seminar expenses. The City will pay for all actual charges pertaining to an approved conference, seminar or similar business trip, including registration fees, dues, and other conference activities.
         (b)   Airport parking. The City will pay for all actual charges incurred for parking overnight in the extended stay parking lot at an airport as a result of air travel.
         (c)   Miscellaneous expenses. The City will reimburse actual charges for miscellaneous expenses (not otherwise defined as "incidental expenses" above), including intra-city taxi, airport bus, tolls, parking, pre-approved expenses incurred for other persons, internet service, and business telephone calls. Receipts for such expenses are required to obtain reimbursement.
      (6)   Receipts will be required for all expenses and shall be turned in to the Finance Division upon return from the conference, seminar or other business meeting.
(Ord. 6638, passed 3-6-79; Am. Ord. 8570, passed 2-5-08; Am. Ord. 8831, passed 9-4-12)