For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings ascribed to them respectively.
   “ACTIVE DUTY.” Any full-time military service paid or unpaid, regardless of length or voluntariness, including, but not limited to, annual training, full-time National Guard duty, and state active duty, but does not include drill or muster duty.
   “ACTIVE SERVICE.” All forms of paid or unpaid active and inactive duty regardless of voluntariness including, but not limited to, annual training, active duty for training, full-time National Guard duty, active duty other than training, state active duty, mobilizations, and muster duty.
   “ADMINISTRATIVE.” An employee whose primary duty is the performance of office or nonmanual work related to management policies, who customarily exercises discretion and independent judgment, and who performs work along specialized or technical lines under only general supervision.
   “CHILD.” An employee’s son or daughter who is a biological, adopted, foster, stepchild, a legal ward of the state or a child of a person standing in loco parentis.
   “CLASSIFICATION.” A group of positions sufficiently alike in duties, authority, and responsibility as to warrant the use of the same title, class, specifications, and pay range.
   “DEMOTION.” A transfer of an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class having a lower maximum salary rate.
   “DEPARTMENT.” A major functional unit or primary organization of the City government.
   “DEPARTMENTHEAD.” A person appointed by the Mayor with approval of the Council charged with administration of a department.
   “DIVISION.” A major function unit of a department.
   “DIVISION HEAD.” A person working for a department head who is responsible to them for the administration of the work of a division.
   “DISMISSAL.” Separation from City employment for cause.
   “DOMESTIC PARTNER.” A person who is recognized as a domestic partner under any domestic partnership or civil union law of a state or political subdivision of a state, or an unmarried adult person who is in a committed, personal relationship with an employee who is not in such a relationship with any other person and is designated by the employee to the employer as the employee’s domestic partner.
   “ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS.” Includes communications via telephone, mobile phone, computer, e-mail, video recorder, fax machine, telex, pager, online platform (including, but not limited to, any public-facing website, web application, digital application, or social network) or any other electronic communication as defined in Section 12-7.5 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
   “EMPLOYEE.” An individual who is legally employed by the City and is compensated through the City payroll for his services. Individuals or groups compensated on a fee basis are not included. All elected officials shall also be considered exempt.
   “EXAMINATION.” Process of testing, evaluating, or investigating the fitness and qualifications of applicants and employees.
   “EXECUTIVE.” An employee whose primary duty is management of a department or division thereof, who customarily directs the work of 2 or more employees, and who, with final approval of the Mayor, has the authority to hire, fire, promote, or demote other employees.
   “EXTENDED FAMILY.” Includes step-sibling, step-grandparent, biological, step or adopted grandchildren, aunt or uncle of a City employee, or an employee’s spouse.
   “FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT (or FMLA).” Requires certain employers to provide eligible employees, as defined in the act, with up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave each year for the care of a newborn, newly adopted, or recently placed foster child, to care for seriously ill children, spouses or parents, or for their own serious health condition which makes the employee unable to perform the functions of their job. “FMLA” requires health benefits be maintained during the leave and the employee generally has a right to return to the same position or to an equivalent position at the conclusion of the leave.
   “FAMILY MILITARY LEAVE.” Leave requested by an employee who is the spouse, parent, child or grandparent of a person called to military service lasting longer than 30 days with the State or United States pursuant to the orders of the Governor or the President of the United States.
   “HE,” “SHE,” “HE/SHE,” “HIS,” “HER,” “HIS/HER.” Any reference to an individual using the terms “HE,” “SHE,” or “HE/SHE” should be considered gender neutral and apply to anyone covered by this chapter regardless of their gender.
   “IMMEDIATE FAMILY.” Includes legal spouse, biological, adopted step or foster child, parent of a biological, step or adopted child, biological or adopted sibling, or a biological or adopted grandparent of a City employee, or an employee’s spouse.
   “LAYOFF.” The involuntary, nondisciplinary separation of an employee from a position for other reasons beyond the control of an employee and not reflecting discredit on him.
   “LEAVE.” An approved type of absence from work as provided by this chapter.
   “OVERTIME.” Authorized time worked by a qualified nonexempt employee in excess of 40 hours per workweek.
   “OVERTIMEPAY.” Compensation paid to an employee for overtime work performed in accordance with this chapter.
   “PERSONAL CARE.” Activities to ensure a covered family member’s basic medical, hygiene, nutritional, safety needs are met or provide transportation to medical appointments for a covered family member unable to meet those needs themselves, and/or to be physically present to provide emotional support to a covered family member with a serious health condition receiving inpatient or home care.
   “POSITION.” Any employment whether occupied or vacant, full or part-time and consisting of duties and responsibilities assigned to one individual.
   “PROBATIONARY PERIOD.” The trial period of 90 calendar days of employment beginning with the date of an employee’s first appointment (see § 39.04(C)).
   “PROFESSIONAL.” An employee whose primary duty consists of work requiring knowledge of an advanced type in a field of science or learning customarily acquired by a prolonged course of specialized study, or work that is original or creative.
   “PUBLIC EMPLOYEE.” Any person classified as a full-time employee of the State of Illinois or a unit of local government.
   “PROMOTION.” Transfer of an employee from a position from one class to another which has a higher maximum rate of pay.
   “SUPERVISOR.” Any person responsible to a higher departmental authority, directing the work or training of others.
   “SUSPENSION.” An enforced leave of absence for disciplinary purposes or pending investigation of charges made against an employee.
   “TRANSFER.” Assignment of an employee from one position to another position. Transfers can take place within a department, between departments, between positions of the same pay, or between positions of the same class.
   “UNIT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT.” Any city, village, town, county, or special district.
(Ord. 6638, passed 3-6-79; Am. Ord. 7210, passed 10-28-86; Am. Ord. 8570, passed 2-5-08; Am. Ord. 9472, passed 4-2-24)