31-26.2   Roadside Ditches.
   a.   Discharge to Roadside Ditches. No concentrated flow of storm waters from a subdivision shall be discharged into a roadside ditch.
   b.   Roadside Ditch Sections. Roadside ditch sections shall be subject to the approval of the Engineering Department as to shape, size, gradient, lining, and location within the road right-of-way, and shall have the required hydraulic capacity.
   c.   Purpose of Roadside Ditches. Roadside ditches and gutters shall be provided to carry the drainage from the road and tributary lands without damage to the roadbed or abutting property.
   d.   Roadside Ditch Gradients. The maximum gradient for earth roadside ditches shall not exceed four (4%) percent, nor be less than one (1%) percent. The minimum gradient for lined roadside ditches shall not be less than one (1%) percent.