31-22.1   General Provisions.
   a.   Conformance to General Plan. The design, layout, width, circulation, and other design aspects of streets in a subdivision shall conform to the locations which may have been shown on the General Plan or in all cases shall provide advantageous development for the general planning area within which the subdivision lies.
   b.   Reserve Strips. Reserve strips controlling the access to streets or other public rights-of-way shall not be approved unless such strips are necessary for the protection of the public welfare or property rights.
   c.   Designation on Final Map or Parcel Map. The final map or parcel map shall show the monument line of each street, the boundary of each street, including the width of the portion of any fractional street being dedicated, the width of existing road rights-of-way from public records, and the widths on each side of the monument line of whole streets. The widths and locations of adjacent streets shall be shown as determined from public records. Whenever the Engineering Department or the City Engineer has established either the centerline or monument line of the street and such reformation is made a public record, this location and data shall be shown on the final map or parcel map.
   d.   Angle of Intersection. All streets shall intersect as nearly as possible at right angles.
   e.   Centerlines. Streets entering on opposite sides of any given street shall have their centerlines directly opposite each other, or the centerlines shall be offset by at least one hundred fifty (150') feet.
   f.   Distance Between Streets. The minimum distance between streets entering a thoroughfare shall be eight hundred (800') feet.
   g.   Block Length. Block lengths shall not exceed one thousand (1,000') feet.
   h.   Street Name Approval. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Department.
   i.   Street Name Signs. The subdivider shall furnish and install necessary street name signs in accordance with details approved by the Engineering Department.
   j.   Conditions Requiring Grade Separation. If a subdivision borders on, or contains a railroad right-of-way, a limited access freeway, or similar type of facility, the advisory agency may require that the street plan be considered in its relation to the probability of grade separation.
   k.   Classification. The classes of streets shall be as follows: thoroughfares, arterials, collectors, minors, industrial streets and private roads.
   l.   Traffic Safety Devices. The subdivider shall furnish and place such traffic safety devices within, or adjacent to, the subdivision as may be specified by the Engineering Department.
   m.   Intersections.
      1.   Street intersections shall be designed to provide reasonable approaches from side streets, and to provide smooth continuous flow of drainage without overflow across the intersection.
      2.   Valley gutters shall be provided to carry drainage across intersections only if underground drainage facilities cannot reasonably be provided. Valley gutters shall not be permitted across arterial streets. Valley gutters shall by on a continuous minimum grade of one (1%) percent, reduction of which may be approved by the Engineering Department.