31-14.2   Action by Engineering Department.
   a.   Improvement Plan Review. The subdivider shall submit four (4) sets of improvement plans and a preliminary cost estimate to the Engineering Department for review together with a review fee as established and adopted by the Town Council from time to time by resolution. Upon completion of this review, one (1) set of the preliminary plans together with the required revisions, if any indicated thereon, and a written statement will be returned to the subdivider’s engineer.
   b.   Corrected Plans. Six (6) sets of the corrected plans and any additional sets requested by the Engineering Department for distribution to interested public agencies and utilities shall then be submitted to the Engineering Department. One (1) set of the plans reviewed by the Engineering Department with the review and date noted thereon shall be returned to the subdivider’s engineer.
   c.   Review of Revisions. Requests by the subdivider for review of revisions appearing necessary or desirable during construction shall be submitted to the Engineering Department and processed in accordance with paragraphs a. and b. of this subsection.
   d.   Review Prerequisite for Final Map or Parcel Map Approval. The completion of the review of the improvement plans by the Engineering Department, when improvements are required, shall be a condition precedent to the approval of the final map or parcel map for the subdivision by the Town Council.
   e.   Supplementary Plans and Documents. Supplementary plans and documents shall include grading plans, hydrology, hydraulic computations and structural computations as required.