31-9.2   Information Required.
   The tentative map shall be clearly and legibly drawn on one (1) sheet, unless prior written approval of the Planning Department is given for more than one (1) sheet, and shall contain the following information:
   a.   The title, which shall contain the subdivision number assigned by the Planning Department and the type of subdivision, and may contain such name as may be selected by the subdivider;
   b.   Names and addresses for:
      1.   Legal owner of property;
      2.   Subdivider; and
      3.   Person or persons who prepared the map;
   c.   A topographical map accurately showing contours and other features of the existing terrain within the subdivision, existing drainage channels, roads, culverts, overhead and underground utility lines which may affect the design of the subdivision, wells and springs, major structures, irrigation ditches, utility poles, and other improvements in their correct location. Elevations shall be in accord with U.S. Geological Survey (1929 Sea Level Datum). The map shall be drawn to an engineer’s scale large enough to show all information clearly. The parcel shall be oriented on the map sheet such that the north arrow shall point toward the top of the sheet. Contour interval shall not be greater than two (2') feet if the ground slope is less than ten (10%) percent nor larger than five (5') feet for ground slopes greater than ten (10%) percent; and at such intervals that the contour lines will not be spread more than one hundred fifty (150') feet (ground distance) apart. The map shall show:
      1.   The outline of any geologic or potentially hazardous soil condition, and areas subject to inundation or ponding;
      2.   The edges of pavement of existing streets, private roads, driveways and other paved areas;
      3.   Location of existing property lines and approximate boundaries of existing easements within the subdivision, with the names of the owners of record, of easements, exclusions, and the properties abutting the subdivision;
      4.   The proposed lot and street layout with scaled dimensions of each lot. Lot dimensions shall conform to the requirements of Chapter XXXII as to size and dimensions.
      Lots, where not served by public sewers, shall not be smaller in area than the Health Department shall approve for septic tanks and drain field installation.
      Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines.
      Each lot shall be identified by (a) lot numbers, beginning with number “1” in each subdivision requiring a final map; or (b) lot letters, beginning with letter “A” in each subdivision requiring a parcel map. Numbers or letters shall be consecutive with no omissions or duplications.
      The subdivider shall show the area of each lot on the tentative map. The area shall be exclusive of the portion lying in the street;
      5.   The location of all proposed easements for drainage and access;
      6.   The location and species of all trees or, if massed, the outline of the tree mass. Trunk diameter of all trees six (6”) inches in diameter and over shall be noted;
      7.   Street names, width of streets and easements, approximate grade, and radius of curves along property lines of each street;
      8.   Typical geometric sections for streets showing pavement width, curbs, sidewalks, grading in margin strips, slopes of cuts and fills, and other construction proposed or applicable;
      9.   Areas to be used for public purposes;
      10.   Location, approximate grade, direction of flow and type of facility of existing drainage channels and storm drains;
      11.   A vicinity map showing roads, adjoining subdivisions, towns, creeks, railroads, and other data sufficient to locate the proposed subdivision and show its relation to community development;
      12.   North arrow, scales for maps and contour interval;
      13.   Boundary lines of existing land use zones shall be delineated;
      14.   Statement or plan as to proposed plans for draining the area subject to flooding or inundation by waters flowing into or from the subdivision;
      15.   If to be developed in increments, the map shall indicate the approximate sequence of development by units.