19-2.1   General.
   a.   Prohibited Action; Permit Required. No person shall do any grading, clearing and grubbing or locate or maintain any grading equipment on any lot or property without first obtaining the appropriate grading permit unless such work is specifically exempted under this chapter. No permit shall be issued until applicant obtains conceptual approval from Chief of Planning.
   b.   Prohibited Action; Grading. No person shall grade, whether or not a permit is required under this chapter, so that dirt, soil, rock, debris, or other material washed, eroded, or moved from the property by natural or artificial means creates a public nuisance or hazard, or an unlawful encroachment on other property or on a public road or street. Any such matter deposited within the right-of-way of a public road or street which may constitute a nuisance or hazard to public traffic shall be removed immediately by the permittee. Failure to do so on notice from the Town is a misdemeanor and the Town may have the matter removed at the expense of the responsible party and/or permittee in addition to any other appropriate action.
   c.   Prohibited Action; Water Obstruction. No person shall obstruct, impede, interfere or otherwise adversely affect the natural flow of storm waters, whether unconfined upon the surface of the land, within land depressions or natural drainage paths, within unimproved channels or watercourses, or within improved ditches, channels or conduits, except for construction operations permitted by the Town.
   d.   Prohibited Action; Construction in Public Rights-of-Way. No person shall perform any work or construct any facility (including, but not limited to, excavation, embankment, trenching, driveway construction, or drainage facility) within the right-of-way of a public road or street, or within an easement under the jurisdiction of this Town without an encroachment permit from the Town.
   (Ord. #89-22, §92-8.05)