7-5.8   Procedure.
   a.   Upon receiving an application the Planning Department shall schedule a public hearing before the Planning Commission and shall cause a notice thereof to be posted and published in accordance with the requirements of Chapter XXX.
   b.   Such hearing may be continued from time to time as determined necessary by the Commission but final decision thereon shall be rendered within sixty (60) days from the date of the hearing unless the applicant consents to extension thereof.
   c.   The decision of the Planning Commission together with findings, reports and special conditions recommended, if any, shall be transmitted to the Town Council for final decision.
   d.   The Council in considering the application may decide the application on the basis of the record submitted by the Planning Commission by adopting the report as submitted or modify or add conditions. In the event the Town Council determines that the public interest requires further investigation, the Council may order a public hearing and notice thereof shall be given in the same manner as for the hearing before the Planning Commission.
(Ord. #15, §1[4])