32-4.7   Appeal; General.
   Appeal from any decision of the Planning Division, Planning Commission, or Heritage Resource Commission shall be governed by the provisions set forth in this section.
   a.   Submittal of Appeal. An appeal must be filed within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the decision which is being appealed. In order to be accepted as a valid appeal, the appellant must submit to the Planning Division a written notice of appeal, specifying the grounds for appeal, as well as the appeal fee, which shall be contained within the Town's Master Fee Schedule.
   b.   Appeal Decision. An action of any decision making authority on an appeal shall be final after 10 calendar days from the date of the action.
   c.   Renewed Application After Denial. If any planning application is denied (unless the denial is without prejudice to refiling), no new application shall be made or accepted within one (1) year after the effective date of denial, unless:
      1.   The applicant shows material change in the circumstances upon which the denial was based. Materially changed circumstances shall mean:
         (a)   The proposed development or land use is significantly different from that originally applied for; and/or
         (b)   The lot involved has been diminished or enlarged with the result that the proposed development or land use would be more compatible to the revised lot than the situation originally applied for; and/or
         (c)   There has been a change in zoning classification which significantly affects this land.
(Ord. #2015-09, § 1)