10-9.4   Placards.
   a.   The following are general descriptions of the official Town of Danville placards established by this section to be used to designate the conditions for continued occupancy of buildings or structures. The actual placards shall be in a form approved by the Chief Building Official and substantially similar to those incorporated in this chapter as Exhibits 1, 2 and 3.
      1.   INSPECTED - LAWFUL OCCUPANCY PERMITTED (GREEN) placard is to be posted on each building or structure wherein no apparent structural or other serious hazard has been found. This placard does not indicate that there is no damage to the building.
      2.   RESTRICTED USE (YELLOW) placard is to be posted on each building or structure that is damaged to the extent that restrictions on continued occupancy are required. The individual or individuals authorized to post this placard will note in general terms the type of damage encountered and will note the restrictions on continued occupancy.
      3.   UNSAFE - DO NOT ENTER OR OCCUPY (RED) placard is to be posted on each building or structure that is damaged to the extent that continued occupancy poses a threat to life safety. Buildings or structures posted with this placard shall not be occupied or entered under any circumstances except as authorized in writing by the department that posted the building. Safety assessment individuals or teams may be authorized to enter these buildings at any time. This placard is not to be used or considered as a demolition order. The individual or individuals authorized to post this placard will note in general terms the type of damage encountered.
   b.   Once it has been attached to a building or structure, a placard is not to be removed, altered or covered except by an authorized representative of the Town of Danville or upon written notification from the Building Division.
   c.   Unlawful removing or altering of any posted placard shall be punishable by law as described in Government Code Section 36901.
   d.   Other placards: From time to time, the above placards will need to be modified or new ones developed. The Chief Building Official may authorize the modification or development of new placards consistent with extent of this chapter.
(Ord. 2009-03, § 1)