10-10.7   Submission of the Waste Management Plan.
   a.   Applicants for any covered projects shall complete and submit a WMP on a form approved by the Town as part of the application submittal requirements for a building, grading, demolition or similar permit. The WMP shall include an acknowledgement of responsibility that the applicant and/or property owner understands the consequences of not meeting the sixty five percent (65%) diversion requirement and that the applicant and/or owner is responsible for the actions of its contractors or other agents with regard to the diversion requirement. Both the project property owner and general contractor will acknowledge this responsibility and indicate so by their signature on the WMP.
   b.   No building, grading demolition or similar permits shall be issued for any covered project, nor shall any demolition, construction or renovation take place on any covered project, unless and until the WMP compliance official has approved the WMP. Approval shall not be required, however, when the Town determines an emergency demolition is required to protect public health or safety. A WMP shall receive initial approval only when the WMP compliance official determines that the following conditions have been met:
      1.   The WMP provides all of the information requested in Section 1 of the form; and
      2.   The WMP indicates how sixty five percent (65%) or more of all C&D waste generated by the project will be diverted.
      If the WMP compliance official determines that these two conditions have been met, the WMP shall be marked as "Approved" and a copy returned to the applicant.
   c.   Review - "Further Explanation Required". If the WMP compliance official determines that the WMP does not comply with this section, the official shall return the WMP to the applicant marked "Further Explanation Required."
(Ord. 2009-05, § 1; Ord. 2016-07, § 1)