3-6.13   Denial of License—Grounds.
   A license or renewal of a license may be denied for any of the following causes:
   a.   The application is not the form provided, and/or does not contain the required information;
   b.   The application contains materially false information;
   c.   Noncompliance with requirements of this section;
   d.   The vehicle to be used in the business is inadequate or unsafe for the purpose for which it is to be used, or the building or structure where the business is located does not comply with applicable laws;
   e.   The business would interfere with or unreasonably obstruct the free flow of vehicular traffic, or other means of travel on any public street, or with pedestrian traffic on the sidewalks;
   f.   Appropriate permits for the business have not been obtained from the Town;
   g.   The conduct of the business or activity will be contrary to law; or
   h.   The conduct of the business or activity will interfere with the preservation of the peace, health, safety or welfare of the public.
(Ord. #93-3, §1)