§ 32.009 MEETINGS.
   (A)   The legislative authority shall not be required to hold more than one regular meeting in each week. The meetings may be held at a time and place as is prescribed by ordinance and shall, at all times, be open to the public. The Mayor or any three members of the legislative authority, may call special meetings upon at least 12 hours' notice to each member, served personally or left at his or her usual place of residence.
(R.C. § 731.46)
   (B)   (1)   The legislative authority shall meet for its stated and regular meeting on the second Monday of every month.
      (2)   The time of the stated regular meetings of the legislative authority shall be 7:30 for the commencement of the meetings, Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Saving Time, depending upon which time is in effect in the village during the various months of the year.
(Prior Code, § 32.09) (Ord. 261, passed 1-13-1963)