(A)   The legislative authority shall fix the compensation and bonds of all officers, clerks and employees of the municipality, except as otherwise provided by law. The legislative authority shall, in the case of elective officers, fix their compensation for the ensuing term of office at a meeting held not later than five days prior to the last day fixed by law for filing as a candidate for the office. All bonds shall be made with sureties subject to the approval of the Mayor. The compensation so fixed shall not be increased or diminished during the term for which any officer is elected or appointed. This section does not prohibit the payment of any increased costs of continuing to provide the identical benefits provided to an officer at the commencement of his or her term of office.
(R.C. § 731.13)
   (B)   The salary of Council members shall be an amount per meeting as set by ordinance of Council from time to time, except that the number of meetings for which members of Council shall be paid the compensation shall not exceed 24 in any calendar year.
   (C)   The salary of the members of the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs shall be an amount per meeting as set by ordinance of legislative authority.
(Prior Code, § 32.05) (Ord. 2-97, passed 1-13-1997)