§ 152.042 FINAL PLATS.
   (A)   Form. Final plats shall be prepared and certified by a registered surveyor. Final plats shall be clearly and legibly drawn in ink on one or more sheets of permanent material such as linen or Mylar. Scale shall be the same as required for preliminary plats unless otherwise authorized by the Planning Commission.
   (B)   Plat contents. The final plat shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The name of the subdivision, graphic and numerical scales, date and north point;
      (2)   All plat boundaries with length of courses in feet and hundredths and bearing to not more than half minutes;
      (3)   Bearings and distances to the nearest established street lines, section corners or other recognized permanent monuments, which shall be accurately described on the plat;
      (4)   Municipal and section lines accurately tied to the lines of the subdivision by distances and bearings;
      (5)   Lines of adjoining streets and alleys with their width and names;
      (6)   The radii, arcs, chords and chord bearings, points of tangency and central angles for all curvilinear streets and radii for rounded corners;
      (7)   All easements for right-of-way provided for public services or utilities and any limitation of the easements;
      (8)   All lot numbers and lines, with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths, and with bearings. The basis of bearing shall be stated on plat;
      (9)   Accurate location and description of all monuments;
      (10)   A summary of site data including the total number of lots, the average lot size, minimum lot size and the amount of acreage in lots, rights-of-way, parks, open space and other public uses;
      (11)   Names of recorded owners of adjoining, unplatted land and reference to subdivision plats of adjoining platted land by name, volume and page or Recorder's map;
      (12)   Building setback lines accurately shown with dimensions;
      (13)   A notarized certification by the owner that the plat was prepared with his or her consent and offering for dedication the streets, easements and other public areas;
      (14)   A release signed by the mortgage holder, if any, of all interest in properties dedicated to public use;
      (15)   An approval block for the endorsement of the plat by the Mayor, Planning Commission Chairperson and Village Fiscal Officer;
      (16)   Proper notations for transfer and recording by the County Auditor and the County Recorder.
   (C)   Construction plans.
      (1)   Final plats shall be accompanied by detailed construction plans prepared and certified by a registered professional engineer for all required improvements.
      (2)   The plans shall be at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet or less on 22-inch by 34-inch sheets.
      (3)   The cover sheet for the construction plans shall indicate the total lineal feet of streets, storm sewers, sanitary sewers and water lines to be installed.
      (4)   The plans shall include:
         (a)   Profiles, elevations, construction details, specifications and calculations and computations for all required improvements including streets, sidewalks, water lines, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, street lights and other related improvements to be constructed in the proposed subdivision;
         (b)   Cross sections at 50-foot stations, changes of grade and storm drainage structure;
         (c)   Accurate outlines of any areas to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use with the purpose indicated thereon;
         (d)   An overall grading and storm water management plan and an erosion control plan;
         (e)   Storm sewer and detention basin design calculations.
   (D)   Supplementary information.
      (1)   A copy of proposed covenants and restrictions;
      (2)   Certificates showing that all legally due taxes have been paid;
      (3)   Evidence of title;
      (4)   Either a certification from the Village Engineer that all improvements have been installed and approved, or a performance bond insuring the installation of all required improvements as provided in §§ 152.075 through 152.087.
(Ord. 5-06, passed 6-12-2006)