(A)   (1)   The Mayor shall, when provided for by the legislative authority and subject to its confirmation, appoint all deputy marshals, police officers, night guards and special police officers. All officers shall continue in office until removed therefrom for the cause and in the manner provided by § 34.08.
      (2)   No person shall receive an appointment under this section unless the person has, not more than 60 days prior to receiving appointment, passed a physical examination given by a licensed physician, a physician assistant, a clinical nurse specialist, a certified nurse practitioner or a certified nurse-midwife, showing that the person meets the physical requirements necessary to perform the duties of the position to which the person is to be appointed as established by the legislative authority. The appointing authority shall, prior to making any appointment, file with the State Police and Fire Pension Fund a copy of the report or findings of the licensed physician, physician assistant, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse practitioner or certified nurse-midwife. The professional fee for the physical examination shall be paid for by the legislative authority.
(R.C. § 737.16)
   (B)   (1)   All full-time, part-time and auxiliary police officers of this village shall be a high school graduate or GED equivalent and have received a diploma from an accredited high school or a GED certificate. In addition, all full-time, part-time and auxiliary officers shall have satisfactorily completed the State Peace Officers Basic Training Program and shall be subject to all minimum standards as may be established by the state or the village or its Police Department. Every officer, full-time, part-time and auxiliary, shall be required to attend any and all training prescribed by the Village Police Department. Further, each full-time police officer shall be required to submit to a physical examination and shall obtain written certification from the examining physician that the individual is physically capable of performing as a police officer. The physical examination to be paid for by the village and to be performed not more than 60 days prior to appointment. After appointment, the auxiliary police officers shall have the same powers conferred by law as those granted police officers.
      (2)   Notwithstanding division (B)(1) above, the Auxiliary Administrative Officer and School Crossing Guards shall be exempt from the above requirements, except that the Auxiliary Administrative Officer and school crossing guards shall be required to attend any and all training prescribed by the Village Police Department for that position. Further, because the position of Auxiliary Administrative Officer is intended to be purely administrative in nature, no arrest or other like powers shall be conferred upon the Auxiliary Administrative Officer nor shall the Auxiliary Administrative Officer carry a firearm and likewise for the school crossing guards.
(Prior Code, § 34.03) (Ord. 11-96, passed 12-9-1996; Ord. 11-98, passed 12-14-1998)