A building permit will be granted only if all of the following requirements and conditions are met:
A. A wind power generator may not be mounted to any building or structure not designed specifically for that purpose.
B. A wind power generator may not be placed on any property of less than one acre.
C. A wind power generator must be a minimum distance of one and one-half (11/2) times the maximum height of the tower, including anything attached to it, from the following:
1. Any power line, including overhead service lines feeding any building, home or structure;
2. Any public roadway or right of way;
3. Any property line;
4. Any overhead public utility lines.
D. A wind power generator must be located a minimum distance of three hundred feet (300') from any home, building, or structure designed for human occupancy located on adjacent property. This includes any designated or platted building site for future residential construction. If there is a vacant residential acre within three hundred feet (300') of the proposed site, then every effort must be made to maintain a minimum distance of three hundred feet (300') from the most likely residential building site.
E. A wind power generator must be a minimum distance of sixty feet (60') from any residence located on the same property. If there is no residence on the property, then a residential building site must be designated, platted, and approved by the city building inspector before the building permit for the wind power generator may be granted. No changes will be permitted to that residential building site once the wind power generator has been built.
F. Any guy wire anchoring point must be a minimum distance of ten feet (10') from the following:
1. Property lines;
2. Public roadways, including any right of way;
3. Easements.
G. Any wire running from the wind power generator to any building or structure must be buried underground in conduit, and must meet all applicable state codes. (Ord. 157, 8-2-2001)