ADMINISTRATOR: An official appointed by the Mayor and City Council to administer provisions of this chapter. This official may be a contract professional such as a licensed engineer.
BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs): Physical, structural, and/or managerial practices that, when used singly or in combination, prevent or reduce pollution of water and erosion of soils. The City shall utilize by reference the Department of Environmental Quality manual entitled "Catalog of Storm Water Best Management Practices for Idaho Cities and Counties". All site disturbance permit applications shall use this BMP manual.
BUFFER STRIP: A vegetated area that slows stormwater runoff and provides filtration. The effectiveness of buffer strips is determined by several factors that include soil type, slope, width and vegetation type. Typically stormwater must enter the buffer strip as sheet flow for the buffer to provide any significant treatment.
CLEARING: The destruction and removal of vegetation by manual, mechanical, or chemical methods.
CONSTRUCTION OPERATOR: The party responsible for the operational control of erosion and sediment control on site. It is usually the developer or landowner, but may be the contractor or another party.
CONVEYANCE: A mechanism for transporting water from one point to another, including pipes, ditches, and channels.
CUT: To excavate into a hillside to create a flat area, or to steepen or flatten a bank.
DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: A licensed professional engineer, landscape architect, or geologist, registered for their respective profession by the State of Idaho.
DETENTION: The temporary storage of storm runoff, used to control the peak discharge rates and provide gravity settling of pollutants.
DRAINAGE COURSE: Lowest elevation of the surrounding topography on a parcel.
DRIVEWAY: For purposes of managing and treating stormwater, a driveway shall be a means of vehicular access from a public or private road to a point within an individual lot.
EASEMENT: A legal encumbrance placed against a property's title for maintenance access or to reserve other specified privileges for the users and beneficiaries of the drainage facilities contained within the boundaries of the easement.
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA): The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA region 10 is the NPDES permitting authority for the City of Dalton Gardens.
EROSION: The detachment and movement of soil or rock fragments by water, wind, ice, or gravity.
EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL: Those Best Management Practices (BMPs) which are employed to prevent or reduce erosion or sedimentation and are typically necessary when ground disturbance occurs.
EXCAVATE: Any act by which earth, sand, gravel, rock, or other earthen material is cut into, dug, uncovered, displaced, or relocated.
FILL: A solid material which increases the ground surface elevation, or the act of depositing such material by mechanical means.
FLOOD CONTROL STRUCTURE: A manmade feature designed or constructed to reduce damage caused by flood events, including, but not limited to, a dam, dike, channel, levee, or similar device.
GENERAL PERMIT: A permit issued under the NPDES program to cover a certain class or category of stormwater discharges.
GRADING: Any excavation, filling, or movement of earth for the purposes of changing the shape or topography of the land.
GROUND WATER: Water in a saturated zone or stratum beneath the land surface or a surface water body.
GUARANTEE OF FINANCIAL SURETY: A surety bond, cash deposit, escrow account, irrevocable letter of credit, or other means acceptable to or required by the City to guarantee that infrastructure or improvements are completed in compliance with the project's approved plans.
HIGH WATER MARK: The line which water impresses on the soil by covering it for sufficient periods to deprive it of vegetation.
IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: Any hard surface area which either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil mantle, or which causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at a greater rate of flow than under those conditions present before development. Common impervious surfaces include, but are not limited to, roofs, walkways, patios, driveways, parking lots, storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving, gravel and compacted native surfaces, compacted earthen materials, and oiled, macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater.
NPDES PERMITTING AUTHORITY: The U.S. Environmental Protection Authority, region 10, is the NPDES permitting authority for the City of Dalton Gardens.
NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES): The name of the surface water quality program authorized by Congress as part of the 1987 Clean Water Act (CWA). This is EPA's program to control the discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States.
NATURALLY OCCURRING DRAINAGE SWALE: Natural drainage conveyances that provide for the discharge of stormwater to Class 1 or Class 2 streams, and have bed and banks which are stable and covered with vegetation.
NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI): The application to notify the permitting authority (EPA - region 10) of the intent to be covered by a general permit.
PRIVATE ROAD: A means of vehicular access which does not meet the definition of "driveway" and is not maintained by a public highway agency.
PUBLIC HIGHWAY AGENCY: The Idaho Transportation Department, Highway District, or other political subdivision of the State with jurisdiction over public highways, public streets, and public rights-of-way.
PUBLIC ROAD: Any public highway or street which has been accepted for maintenance by a municipality or public highway agency.
RETENTION: The holding of runoff in a basin without release except by means of evaporation, infiltration, or emergency bypass.
SCARIFY: To break up or loosen the ground surface of an area.
SEDIMENT: Fragmented material that originates from weathering and erosion of rocks or unconsolidated deposits and is transported by, suspended in, or deposited by water.
SEDIMENTATION: The deposition of sediment on ground surfaces or in watercourses.
SITE: The parcel of land on which grading or excavation activity is conducted. A road right-of-way shall be considered a separate site from adjacent properties.
SLOPE MEASUREMENT: An average measurement across the area to be disturbed, expressed as a percentage.
SPOIL PILE: Soil and/or rock excavated from an area which may be used for backfill or final grading on site.
STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE: A stabilized pad of clean, crushed rock located where traffic enters or leaves a construction site onto a paved public or private road. The pad shall be a minimum of six inches (6") thick, with a minimum rock size of two inches (2") to three inches (3"), and a length sufficient to minimize off site tracking.
STORMWATER CONTROL: Those Best Management Practices (BMPs) which are employed to convey, direct, treat, or dissipate stormwater and are typically necessary when impervious area is created or the natural drainage is interrupted (see definition of Best Management Practices (BMPs)).
STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP): A plan to describe a process whereby a facility thoroughly evaluates potential pollutant sources at a site and selects and implements appropriate measures designed to prevent or control the discharge of pollutants in stormwater runoff.
STORMWATER RUNOFF: That portion of precipitation that does not naturally percolate into the ground or evaporate, but flows via overland flow, interflow, channels, or pipes into a defined surface water channel, or a constructed infiltration facility.
STORMWATER SYSTEM: A BMP or series of BMPs which serve(s) one or more parcels.
STREAM: A watercourse of perceptible extent which confines and conducts continuously or intermittently flowing water. This definition is intended to include streams in natural or manmade channels. This definition is not meant to include dead end streams which do not support fish or other beneficial uses. A "dead end" stream is one which infiltrates into the ground prior to reaching a larger body of water.
SURFACE WATER: For purposes of this chapter, surface water shall include all lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, ponds, and similar features, and any feature which acts as a conveyer of water to a surface water feature. Conveyance features may include natural or manmade ditches.
TREATMENT: Removal of sediment or other pollutants from stormwater. (Ord. 256, 10-4-2018)