A.   The City retains the right at all times to suspend, revoke and cancel any alcoholic beverage license.
   B.   If any licensee or employee of a business licensed to sell alcoholic beverages violates any of the provisions of this Chapter, provides false information on the application, or is convicted of violation of any of the provisions of the laws of the State of Idaho relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages or the terms of this Chapter, the license may be revoked or suspended.
   C.   If the City determines that a license issued under this Chapter should be suspended, the licensee, prior to the effective date of the suspension, may request that a monetary penalty be allowed in lieu of the license suspension. If the City Council determines that such payment be consistent with the purpose of the laws of the State of Idaho and the City of Dalton Gardens and is in the public interest, the Clerk will charge a monetary penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000). The licensee may reject the payment amount and instead be subject to the suspension. Upon payment of the amount established, the suspension shall be canceled.
   D.   In the event that the City determines that a license should be revoked or suspended, a written notice of revocation or suspension must be provided to the licensee setting forth the grounds for such action. The revocation or suspension will become effective ten (10) days after the notice is provided unless the licensee appeals the revocation to the City Council. The licensee must request an appeal in writing addressed to the City Clerk. The appeal must be received within ten (10) days of notice and set forth the basis of the appeal in accordance with City Code 1-11-1. Upon receipt of an appeal, the City Council will set a time and place for hearing the appeal. A revocation or suspension of the state license by the Director of the Department of Law Enforcement or a revocation of the county license shall be deemed prima facie evidence for revocation or suspension of the license issued in this Chapter. (Ord. 263, 11-7-2019)