(A)   A proclamation of a state of emergency shall activate any local civil preparedness plan, and shall authorize the town to seek assistance from the county, state, and federal governments in accordance with the provisions of G.S. Ch. 166A. During the existence of a declared state of emergency, the Mayor may impose by declaration any or all of the following restrictions:
      (1)   Limitations on the movement of people in public places;
      (2)   Limitations on the operations of offices, business establishments and other places to or from which people may travel or at which they may congregate;
      (3)   Limitation, restriction, or prohibition of the possession, transportation, sale, purchase, and consumption of intoxicating liquors;
      (4)   Limitation, restriction, or prohibition of the possession, transportation, sale, purchase, storage, and use of dangerous weapons, substances and gasoline, with the exception of lawfully possessed firearms or ammunition. As used in this chapter, FIREARM has the same meaning as it does in G.S. §14.409.39(2);
      (5)   Regulation of the sale or use of scarce supplies essential for the public health or safety;
      (6)   Regulation of evacuation and the establishment of evacuation shelters that may be reasonably necessary to maintain law and order and protect lives and property; and
      (7)   Regulation of other activities or conditions, the control of which maybe reasonably necessary to maintain order and protect lives or property during the state of emergency.
   (B)   If the county enacts a state of the emergency, either the Board or the Mayor may request application of some or all of the county’s emergency restrictions to the town.
(Ord. passed 12-11-2018)