§ 27-706.   Adult Entertainment Establishments (B-2 District).
   1.   Purpose. The purpose of this conditional use is to provide for establishments which have a sex-related nature or purpose in an appropriate environment which prevents the deleterious blighting or downgrading effects which a concentration of such uses or the inappropriate placement of such uses may have upon surrounding neighborhoods.
   2.   Use Regulations. The conditional uses shall be adult entertainment establishments as designated herein under subsection .8, “Uses Designated and Regulated.”
   3.   Dimensional Regulations. The dimensional regulations shall be the same as those applicable to the B-2 Highway Business District.
   4.   Development Regulations. Adult entertainment establishments (as defined herein) shall be subject to the following development regulations:
   A.   Comprehensive Plan. Proposed adult entertainment establishments shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of Dallas Borough.
   B.   Site Location. Adult entertainment establishments shall be located only in the B-2 Highway Business District, and the proposed location of such an establishment within such district shall be at least 500 feet distant from another such adult entertainment, residential district, property lines of churches and related religious institutions, and property lines of schools, playgrounds and parks.
   5.   Supplementary Regulations. See Part 8.
   6.   Subdividing and Developing. Since this use is a land development as defined in Part 3, it shall also be subject to the regulations found in the Luzerne County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. (A.O.)
   7.   Definitions. Definitions used in this subsection include: (see Part 3.)
   A.   Adult book store.
   B.   Adult cabaret.
   C.   Adult drive-in theatre.
   D.   Adult massage business.
   E.   Adult mini-motion picture theatre.
   F.   Adult motion picture theatre.
   G.   Adult video cassette rentals and sales.
   8.   Uses Designated and Regulated. Uses designated and regulated as adult entertainment establishments include: adult book stores, adult cabarets, adult drive-in theatres, adult massage businesses, adult mini-motion picture theatres, adult motion picture theatre and adult video cassette rentals and sales.
(Ord. 2009-3, 12/16/2009, § 706; as amended by A.O.)