§ 27-202.   Community Development Goals and Objectives.
   1.   General Community and Land Use Development.
   A.   Goal. The Borough should provide for a mix of compatible land use development and building designs for the reuse, infill and redevelopment of buildings and land that are in harmony with the Borough’s established, charming small town character and surrounding natural environment, in order to accommodate existing and future residents and businesses.
   (1)   Objectives.
   (a)   The Borough should develop and orient itself toward the “downtown” near the intersection of Main Street, Route 415, Lake Street, and Church Street, by enhancing the area with appropriate design and compatibility standards.
   (b)   The Borough should focus on accommodating adaptive reuse, infill and redevelopment within existing and planned development areas over new construction and development on open space land in established rural areas.
   (c)   The Borough should protect and enhance the existing predominately single-family detached and low intensity residential areas with appropriate compatibility standards.
   (d)   The Borough should protect and enhance the mixed residential and moderate intensity neighborhoods in and around the “downtown” with appropriate compatibility standards.
   (e)   The Borough should ensure auto-oriented, auto-dominated and other moderately intensive business uses are accommodated for in appropriate areas (not within the downtown) with convenient access to major transportation corridors and a full range of public utilities and services, and provided with appropriate design standards.
   (f)   The Borough should utilize appropriately scaled design and compatibility standards to protect and enhance the charming, small town character of the Borough in general.
   (g)   The Borough should encourage sustainable development practices and patterns that protect and enhance important natural, cultural, historic and scenic resources through appropriate design and siting compatibility standards.
   2.   Residential Neighborhoods and Housing.
   A.   Goal. The Borough should provide for a variety of existing and new housing opportunities that are consistent with the existing neighborhoods and housing stock characteristics and are compatible with the natural and scenic landscapes of the Borough in order to accommodate existing and future residents:
   (1)   Within established single-family residential and low intensity neighborhoods in a consistent and compatible manner.
   (2)   Within mixed residential and moderate intensity neighborhoods around the “downtown” in a consistent and compatible manner.
   (3)   Within the “downtown” area on upper floors or via live/work units in a consistent and compatible manner.
   (4)   Objectives.
   (a)   The Borough should encourage the maintenance, rehabilitation and reasonable expansion of existing housing and adaptive reuse of existing buildings, via appropriate capability standards.
   (b)   The Borough should provide for a variety of housing types for various price ranges that are consistent and compatible with existing housing within the surrounding neighborhood and natural landscapes.
   (c)   The Borough should attempt to reduce housing blight.
   (d)   The Borough should prevent overcrowding of residences and neighborhoods.
   (e)   The Borough should encourage neighborhoods that are well-kept, safe and green.
   (f)   The Borough should support and encourage development of interconnections within the neighborhoods; between the neighborhoods; and to a variety of neighborhoods serving civic uses and businesses either within the neighborhood or close by, especially the “downtown.”
   (g)   The Borough should provide formal and informal opportunities for neighbors to interact and develop and promote neighborhood pride.
   (h)   The Borough should encourage opportunities for energy efficiency in new construction and reuse of existing structures to conserve energy and lower costs for inhabitants.
   (i)   The Borough should continue its “open door” policy barring discrimination against potential residents on the basis of race, age, marital status, creed, color, sex, handicap, national origin and income.
   3.   Commercial Business.
   A.   Goal. The Borough should continue supporting and promoting sustainable local and regional serving businesses that are consistent with the existing building and development characteristics to serve existing and future residents and customers and provide a stable economic core for the region.
   (1)   Objectives.
   (a)   The Borough should enhance and promote the “downtown” area as a pedestrian-oriented, neighborhood serving, local and niche business accommodating destination.
   (b)   The Borough should orient, support and promote itself as an “ecotourism” and related business support hub.
   (c)   The Borough should consider allowing small scale, neighborhood serving businesses designed to fit into the character of the surrounding neighborhood, in the mixed residential and moderate intensity neighborhoods around the “downtown,” in a fashion that does not overpower or detract from the existing residential character of the neighborhood.
   (d)   The Borough should provide a general business district to permit other larger/regional and general type business uses, including auto oriented businesses and smaller industrial businesses along other areas of Route 415 instead of in the “downtown.”
   4.   Community Facilities.
   A.   Goal. The Borough should ensure complete and adequate community facilities and services (public and private) are provided to businesses and citizens (existing and new) in an efficient, cost-effective and quality driven manner.
   (1)   Objectives.
   (a)   The Borough should ensure the existing levels of public water and public sewage services are maintained and enhanced in areas of existing and planned development so as to not place any additional burdens on the Borough negatively impact the environment, or encourage the premature development of rural areas.
   (b)   The Borough should ensure adequate protection is provided for important sources of water including reservoirs and wells.
   (c)   The Borough should ensure utility service providers maintain and enhance current levels of service in areas of existing and planned development so as to not place any additional burdens on the Borough, negatively impact the environment, or encourage the premature development of rural areas.
   (d)   The Borough should continue to ensure the high levels of public safety service and quick responses for police, fire and other emergency service providers, while continuing to pursue opportunities to maximize time, energy and resources.
   (e)   The Borough should maintain and enhance its presence as a civic anchor in and around the “downtown.”
   (f)   The Borough should maintain and enhance the existing parks and recreational opportunities as important community assets.
   (g)   The Borough should support and promote the public library within the Borough and strengthen links and ties with educational facilities such as Dallas Area School District, Misericordia University and Penn State University–Wilkes Barre around the Borough, and as important community assets.
   (h)   The Borough should support and promote the Back Mountain Trail and other greenway/trail opportunities as important community assets.
   (i)   The Borough should continue collaboration and intergovernmental cooperation in planning and coordination of longer term capital improvements with the involvement and support of government entities, utility provides, organizations, businesses and residents.
   (j)   The Borough should continue exploring ways to ensure innovative but proven effective stormwater best management practices are provided to reduce runoff and improve groundwater recharge.
   (k)   The Borough should continue enforcing existing ordinances to ensure the fulfillment of their purposes.
   5.   Transportation.
   A.   Goal. The Borough should protect and promote safe and efficient access and mobility for people and goods within the Borough, through preserving and enhancing the well established, appropriately designed and interconnected network of streets, public transportation and nonmotorized transportation opportunities.
   (1)   Objectives.
   (a)   The Borough should better coordinate and link land use, community and economic development, and transportation decisions in the context of a core community.
   (b)   The Borough should continue to provide cost effective maintenance and rehabilitation of existing transportation facilities.
   (c)   The Borough should be friendly to and safe for pedestrians via an interconnected network of sidewalks and other nonmotorized pathways.
   (d)   The Borough should preserve the functional integrity of Routes 309 and 415 in a context that supports and enhances, rather than detracts from the surrounding land uses and development.
   (e)   The Borough should enhance connections to the Back Mountain Trail and other greenways/trails linking important community assets with neighborhoods in and points beyond the Borough.
   (f)   The Borough should maintain and enhance its street and roadway network, and provide for future interconnections when possible.
   (g)   The Borough should continue to provide for on-street and off- street parking opportunities in appropriate areas.
   (h)   The Borough should continue to support mass-transit opportunities within the Borough.
   (i)   The Borough should maintain and enhance its streetscapes through a series of improvements and traffic calming (slowing) techniques including appropriately designed and installed street trees, sidewalks/crosswalks, curb extensions, period style street lights, on-street parking and the like, especially in and around the “downtown.”
   (j)   The Borough should continue to foster relationships and partnerships with Federal, State, county and local entities, transportation providers, business owners and residents regarding existing and future motorized and nonmotorized transportation facilities and services.
   6.   Community Pride and Identity.
   A.   Goal. The Borough should promote community pride, cohesiveness and social interaction through a variety of sustainable community organizations, activities and events.
   (1)   Objectives.
   (a)   The Borough should continue to maintain, update and expand the Borough’s website http://www.dallasborough.org/.
   (b)   The Borough should continue to support and promote community events and happenings including, but not limited to the annual Dallas Harvest Festival.
   (c)   The Borough should continue educational and outreach efforts to residents, business owners and community organizations via a variety of traditional and alternative formats, to provide for and enhance a consistent two-way unimpeded flow of information and input on community issues and happenings.
   (d)   The Borough should continue to support the creation and empowerment of local “grass roots” and other volunteer type organizations.
   (e)   The Borough should continue to support and partner with various Borough committees and related community groups including, but not limited to:
   1)   Dallas Borough Planning Commission.
   2)   Dallas Area School District.
   3)   Downtown Revitalization Committee.
   4)   Misericordia University.
   5)   Penn State University–Wilkes-Barre.
   7.   Heritage Preservation.
   A.   Goal. The Borough should preserve, enhance and promote the Borough’s historic, cultural and architectural heritage.
   (1)   Objectives.
   (a)   The Borough should encourage historic, cultural and architectural resource identification, documentation and preservation.
   (b)   The Borough should encourage new development to be sensitive to the positive historical context of the region by taking into consideration details such as building placement, building height and setbacks, but may also include color scheme and facade characteristics.
   (c)   The Borough should encourage increased awareness of and support for cultural diversity in the Borough.
   (d)   The Borough should encourage increased awareness of and support for history, culture and architecture in the Borough through coordinated educational and promotional efforts.
   (e)   The Borough should consider developing a specific criteria and review process for increased scrutiny regarding demolition of certain historic, cultural and architecturally important buildings and resources within the Borough.
   8.   Environmental/Natural Resources.
   A.   Goal. The Borough should preserve, enhance and promote the Borough’s important natural and scenic resources.
   (1)   Objectives.
   (a)   The Borough should encourage the protection and enhancement of the quality of natural and scenic resources within the Borough including floodplains (including streams and water courses), water supply areas, wetlands, steep slopes, woodlands and the like, so that people, development and nature may exist in productive harmony.
   (b)   The Borough should support the Back Mountain Trail and other greenway/trails as important natural and scenic corridors for sustaining flora and fauna while providing additional recreational, educational and transportation opportunities and serving as an important community asset.
   (c)   The Borough should encourage green building techniques for new development.
   (d)   The Borough should encourage neighborhood, downtown and business area greening through enhanced landscaping treatments using native vegetation, plantings and street trees.
   (e)   The Borough should support the creation and maintenance of sustainable community parks or creation of pocket parks that balance natural resources conservation with recreation.
   9.   Community Design.
   A.   Goal. The Borough should preserve, enhance and promote the community’s charming, small town character through specific building and land development design standards.
   (1)   Objectives.
   (a)   The Borough should ensure that new residential and business development is designed to fit into the character of the surrounding neighborhood and natural/scenic environment with appropriate land use and development design standards.
   (b)   The Borough should incorporate appropriate land use, design and architectural standards to maintain and enhance the Borough’s unique appearance, character and feel in the “downtown” and surrounding neighborhoods.
   (c)   The Borough should maintain and enhance its natural “green” community appearance through additional tree planting and landscaping in neighborhoods, business and other developed areas, as well as through the preservation of existing vegetation, water features including floodplain and wetlands, and other natural features in rural areas.
   (d)   The Borough should regulate signs and billboards.
   (e)   The Borough should regulate wireless communications facilities.
   (f)   The Borough should regulate exterior lighting.
   (g)   The Borough should develop coordinated and attractive gateways into the community, downtown and other important character areas.
   10.   Downtown.
   A.   Goal. The Borough should protect, enhance and promote Dallas’ “downtown” not only as an attractive and charming place for residents, business owners, customers and visitors, to live, work, shop and play; but also the identifiable heart of the Borough and the greater Back Mountain community.
   (1)   Objectives.
   (a)   The Borough should support the efficient use and compatible reuse of buildings, land and community facilities and services within the established downtown area.
   (b)   The Borough should accommodate for a mixture of compatible building and land uses that encourage complementary nonresidential and residential uses within the same building, upon the same lot, and within proximity to one another in and around the downtown.
   (c)   The Borough should support and provide formal and informal community gathering places, opportunities and links for socialization in and around the downtown.
   (d)   The Borough should support and accommodate for pedestrian- oriented and pedestrian-scaled development in and around the downtown.
   (e)   The Borough should support and provide opportunities to enhance a distinct storefront character at the ground-floor level for businesses with residential or office uses located on upper floors in the downtown.
   (f)   The Borough should support strengthening connections between the downtown with surrounding residential neighborhoods and other business areas, including those residential uses within the downtown area.
   (g)   The Borough should support enhancements to make the downtown an attractive, inviting, safe and green environment for residents, business owners, customers and visitors.
   (h)   The Borough should discourage automobile-oriented and automobile-dominated uses in the downtown.
   (i)   The Borough should support alternative modes of transportation (transit, pedestrian and bicycle) and ensure coordinated access by reducing the reliance on the automobile and minimizing the need for off- street parking in the downtown area.
   (j)   The Borough should build upon, promote, enhance the region’s important heritage, natural and recreational assets to support an “ecotourism” and related business support services niche in and connecting to the downtown.
   (k)   The Borough should provide for a variety of appropriate on-street and off-street parking enhancements and opportunities in the downtown.
   (l)   The Borough should provide opportunities for energy efficiency in new construction and reuse of existing buildings to conserve energy and lower costs for businesses and property owners in the downtown.
   (m)   The Borough should enhance the downtown’s or central business district’s image, identity and safety via public and private improvements supporting a coordinated and attractive streetscape/greening/traffic calming, gateway and wayfinding program.
   (n)   The Borough should provide for and support sustainable local and niche businesses that serve the community and attract visitors and customers from outside the area, which may include focusing on “ecotourism” and related business support services niche in the downtown.
   (o)   The Borough should support a coordinated and targeted marketing effort of the downtown, its people and businesses, and a business friendly environment.
   (p)   The Borough should support a sustainable downtown business- focused organization.
   (q)   The Borough should provide for quality design via general design guidelines and standards that help maintain and promote the “downtown” area or central business district principles mentioned above.
(Ord. 2009-3, 12/16/2009, § 202)