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   (a)   General provisions.
      (1)   The institutional overlay district promotes cultural, educational, and medical institutions, and enhances their benefit to the community while protecting adjacent property.
      (2)   Institutional uses in this section include community service, religious, medical, and educational (excluding business and technical schools) uses, and may be permitted in an institutional overlay district.
      (3)   All uses permitted in the underlying zoning district are allowed in an institutional overlay district.
      (4)   The zoning regulations of the underlying zoning district are applicable to an institutional overlay district unless otherwise provided in this section.
   (b)   Special yard, lot, and space regulations.
      (1)   In an institutional overlay district, institutional buildings over 36 feet in height are not subject to additional setback requirements except:
         (A)   Additional setbacks, if any, for institutional buildings greater than 36 feet in height may be established by the site plan process.
         (B)   If a building is erected or altered to exceed 36 feet in height, and if the building is adjacent to an R, R(A), D, D(A), TH, TH(A), or CH district, an additional setback must be provided that is equal to the height of that portion of the building that exceeds 36 feet in height. The additional setback is only required for that portion of the building that exceeds 36 feet in height.
      (2)   Buildings in an institutional overlay district must comply with applicable height regulations.
   (c)   Special parking regulations.
      (1)   Required off-street parking for institutional uses may be located anywhere within the boundaries of the institutional overlay district or outside the district if the parking meets the requirements of Section 51-4.301(a)(11).
      (2)   Not more than 20 percent of the required off-street parking spaces for institutional uses may be located outside the institutional overlay district if the remote off-street parking spaces are:
         (A)   within one-half mile of the facility to be served;
         (B)   consolidated under one certificate of occupancy with the facility to be served;
         (C)   located in a district zoned for a commercial parking lot or garage use; and
         (D)   supplied with adequate transportation access for the users of the institutional facilities. The means of transportation access must be other than walking, private automobile, or public transportation if the parking is farther than 300 feet from the facility to be served.
      (3)   The applicant for remote parking must submit a legal document that guarantees the availability of the remote spaces and the modes of transportation other than walking, private automobile, or public transportation, that are available to the users of the remote parking.
   (d)   Procedures for establishing an institutional overlay district. This subsection incorporates by reference the language of Subsection (d), “Procedures for Establishing an Institutional Overlay District,” of Section 51A-4.502, “Institutional Overlay District,” of Chapter 51A of the Dallas City Code, as amended, as that subsection exists today and as it may be amended in the future.
   (e)   Site plan process. This subsection incorporates by reference the language of Subsection (e), “Site Plan Process,” of Section 51A-4.502, “Institutional Overlay District,” of Chapter 51A of the Dallas City Code, as amended, as that subsection exists today and as it may be amended in the future. (Ord. Nos. 17226; 17393; 19455; 27404)