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   (a)   Movement and illumination provisions for all signs.
      (1)   Signs visible from the main traveled way of an expressway. For signs containing a message that is visible from the main traveled way of an expressway, the regulations of Section 51A-7.1725 apply.
      (2)   All other signs. For all other signs, the regulations of Section 51A-7.1725 apply except for the provisions of Section 51A-7.1725 (6), (7), and (8).
      (3)   Luminance.
         (A)   For purposes of applying Section 51A-7.1725 (5), (6), and (8), the measurements of luminance are taken from any premise or public right-of-way, other than an alley, outside this district.
         (B)   Luminance limitations related to measurements taken within a circle of two feet in diameter under Section 51A-7.1725 (5), (6), and (8) do not apply in this subdistrict.
      (4)   Changeable message sign greater than 1,000 square feet facing an entertainment complex plaza. The provisions of Section 51A-7.1725 (5), (6), (7), and (8) do not apply to a changeable message sign greater than 1,000 square feet in effective area located on the facade of a building facing the entertainment complex plaza.
   (b)   Permanent attached signs. The only permanent attached signs permitted in this subdistrict are signs provided for in this subsection.
      (1)   Number of permitted signs.
         (A)   There is no limitation on the number of premise and non-premise attached signs that may be placed on a facade of a building.
         (B)   Except as otherwise provided, there is no limitation on the number of changeable message signs 1,000 square feet in effective area and less, including marquee signs, that may be placed on a facade of a building. The facade of a building that has a changeable message sign greater than 1,000 square feet in effective area may not have additional changeable message signs greater than 100 square feet in effective area on the same facade.
         (C)   No more than 13 roof signs are permitted in this subdistrict.
      (2)   Number of words or characters.
         (A)   Except for roof signs, there is no limit as to the number of words or characters that may be placed on an attached sign.
         (B)   The painted roof sign permitted on an entertainment complex may contain 10 words. For all other roof signs, no more than three characters or symbols are permitted for each sign.
      (3)   Premise and non-premise signs.
         (A)   All roof signs in this subdistrict must be premise signs.
         (B)   All other signs in this subdistrict may be premise or non-premise signs.
      (4)   Effective area limitations for certain attached signs.
         (A)   The maximum effective area of a changeable message sign is 1,000 square feet, except:
            (i)   A marquee sign.
            (ii)   One changeable message sign with a maximum effective area of 1,500 square feet on the facade of a building facing the entertainment complex plaza.
         (B)   The maximum effective area of a marquee sign is 250 square feet.
         (C)   The maximum effective area of an awning or canopy sign is 150 square feet.
         (D)   The maximum effective area of the painted roof sign on an entertainment complex is 8,500 square feet. For purposes of calculating the maximum effective area of this painted roof sign, the building official shall draw a minimum imaginary rectangle of vertical and horizontal lines around all extremities of the sign. The area within the minimum imaginary rectangle is the effective area of the roof sign.
         (E)   With the exception of the one painted roof sign permitted on an entertainment complex, there is no maximum effective area for a roof sign.
         (F)   The maximum effective area for all other projecting attached signs is 20 square feet.
      (5)   Cumulative effective area limitations for all attached signs. The cumulative effective area of permanent non-premise attached signs on a building facade may not exceed 10 percent of the total area of the facade on which the signs are located. The cumulative effective area of all permanent attached signs on the facade may not exceed 30 percent of the total area of the facade.
      (6)   Spacing of attached non-premise signs. HBA signs on a facade must be spaced a minimum of 50 feet from all HBA signs on another facade. There are no spacing requirements for HBA signs on the same facade.
      (7)   Signs overhanging or projecting into the public right-of-way.
         (A)   Attached signs overhanging the public right-of-way are permitted as long as each sign is a minimum of 10 feet above the sidewalk grade.
         (B)   No portion of a marquee sign may:
            (i)   project more than eight feet into the public right-of-way; or
            (ii)   be located less than two feet from the back of a street curb.
         (C)   For all other projecting attached signs, no portion of the signs may:
            (i)   project more than four feet into the public right-of-way; or
            (ii)   be located less than two feet from the back of the street curb.
      (8)   Roof signs.
         (A)   No roof sign may project above the surface to which it is attached by more than 25 feet.
         (B)   One flat attached roof sign is permitted on an entertainment complex if it is: (1) painted directly on the roof of the entertainment complex, and (2) not visible within 400 feet of the boundary of Subdistrict A. The sign is deemed visible if any portion of that sign can be seen at a point five feet above grade.
         (C)   All other roof signs in this subdistrict must be mounted parallel to the building facade.
         (D)   No roof sign may be a changeable message sign.
      (9)   Parapet signs. Parapet signs are prohibited in this subdistrict.
      (10)   No limitation on projecting attached signs. Projecting attached signs are permitted on premises with detached signs.
      (11)   District activities and non-premise signs. A minimum of 30 percent of the effective area of an attached non-premise sign must identify district activities.
      (12)   Signs projecting over the roof line. Except for a roof sign, no attached sign may project over a building.
      (13)   Location limitation on projecting attached signs. Except for a roof sign, no portion of a projecting attached sign may be located at a point on the facade above 66 feet in height.
   (c)   Permanent detached signs.
      (1)   The only permanent detached signs permitted in this subdistrict are movement control and vent stack signs.
      (2)   A detached sign may only be located on a vent stack if:
         (A)   the sign face does not exceed 15 feet in height; and
         (B)   the sign does not exceed 100 square feet in effective area.
      (3)   Only one sign may be located on a vent stack, and no more than 16 vent stack signs are permitted in this subdistrict.
      (4)   Signs located on vent stacks may be non-premise signs. Twelve of the 16 permitted signs may only identify district activities.
   (d)   Temporary signs. The only temporary signs permitted in this subdistrict are special purpose signs, temporary protective signs, temporary signs on construction fencing, and “for sale,” “for lease,” “remodeling,” and “under construction” signs. These temporary signs are in addition to all other signs permitted in this ordinance.
   (e)   Special purpose signs.
      (1)   Illumination. Special purpose signs may be externally illuminated, and, except for banners, may be internally illuminated or “back-lighted.”
      (2)   Premise special purpose signs.
         (A)   Attached premise special purpose signs.
            (i)   Entertainment complex. On an entertainment complex, there is no limit on the number or size of attached premise special purpose signs. No sign may be maintained for more than 45 days in any given twelve-month period.
            (ii)   All other uses. An occupancy may have one attached premise special purpose sign up to four times within any twelve-month period as long as the sign:
               (aa)   is displayed for no more than 45 days each time during the twelve-month period; and
               (bb)   has no more than 10 words that contain any character equal to or exceeding four inches in height.
         (B)   Detached premise special purpose signs. No detached premise special purpose sign is permitted in this subdistrict.
      (3)   Non-premise special purpose signs.
         (A)   In general. Non-premise special purpose signs are permitted subject to the following regulations:
            (i)   Except as provided in Subparagraph (A)(ii) below, non-premise special purpose signs may only display promotional and welcome messages.
            (ii)   Up to 10 percent of the effective area of a non-premise special purpose sign may contain commercial advertisement. The name of the event or activity identified in a promotional message is not considered commercial advertisement even if the event or activity is named after the sponsor.
            (iii)   A non-premise special purpose sign may not be erected more than 30 days before the beginning of the advertised activity or event, and must be removed no later than 10 days after the activity or event has ended.
            (iv)   The sign hardware for a banner may be left in place between displays of a banner.
         (B)   Attached non-premise special purpose signs.
            (i)   Entertainment complex. The only attached non-premise special purpose signs permitted on an entertainment complex are banners. Banners may be displayed anywhere on the entertainment complex without limit on their number or size.
            (ii)   All other uses. For all other uses, attached non-premise special purpose signs are prohibited.
         (C)   Detached non-premise special purpose signs. No detached non-premise special purpose sign is permitted in this subdistrict.
   (f)   Other temporary signs.
      (1)   Temporary protective signs. In addition to the other protective signs permitted under Section 51A-7.1718, temporary protective signs may be erected anywhere on a construction site at anytime during construction. There is no limit on the number of these signs, but no sign may exceed 20 square feet in effective area or eight feet in height. Temporary protective signs may be illuminated, but no lighting source may project more than three inches from the vertical surface of, or six inches above the top of, the sign. All temporary protective signs must be removed upon completion of the construction.
      (2)   Temporary signs on construction fencing. Temporary signs may be erected on construction fencing subject to the following provisions:
         (A)   The signs must be spaced at least 50 feet apart.
         (B)   No sign may exceed 128 square feet in effective area or eight feet in height.
         (C)   No sign may project more than three inches from the vertical surface of, or six inches above the top of, the fence.
         (D)   The signs may be illuminated.
         (E)   The signs may only identify the project under construction and its owners, developers, future tenants, lenders, architects, engineers, project consultants, and contractors.
         (F)   The signs must be removed upon completion of the construction.
      (3)   “For Sale,” “For Lease,” “Remodeling,” and “Under Construction” signs. Signs that relate exclusively to the sale, lease, construction, or remodeling of the premises on which they are located are permitted. There is no limit to the number of attached signs permitted. Detached signs are limited to one for each 100 feet of frontage on a public street or private access easement. If attached to a window, the maximum effective area of the sign is 16 square feet; if attached to other portions of a facade, the maximum effective area is 32 square feet. No detached sign may exceed 128 square feet in effective area or 16 feet in height. (Ord. Nos. 24348; 25918; 26552)