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   (a)   In general. Except as provided in this subsection, a person shall not alter, place, maintain, expand, or remove a sign in this district without first obtaining a sign permit from the city. A sign permit is not required to:
      (i)   Erect an illuminated projection sign in accordance with Section 51A-7.1727(i).
      (ii)   change the text on a changeable message sign or a kiosk.
      (iii)   Erect or replace a banner using the existing sign hardware. A sign permit is required to install sign hardware for a banner.
   (b)   Sign permit procedures. Except as provided in Subsection (c) below, the procedures for obtaining a sign permit in Division 51A-7.600 apply in this district.
   (c)   Roof Signs in Subdistrict B and Subarea D-2.
      (i)   Certificate of appropriateness required. No sign permit may be issued to authorize a roof sign in Subdistrict B unless the commission has first issued a certificate of appropriateness in accordance with this subsection.
      (ii)   Application for a roof sign. When applying for a roof sign in Subdistrict B or Subarea D-2, the applicant shall submit an application to the building official. After determining that the proposed roof sign conforms with all building, electrical, and mechanical codes and all sign regulations in this ordinance, the building official shall forward a copy of the application to the director within five working days of its receipt. The applicant shall provide the building official and the director with specific information in the form of perspectives, renderings, photographs, models, or other representations sufficient to show the nature of the proposed sign and its effect on the building on which it is located as well as its effect on surrounding premises. Any applicant may request a meeting with the director before submitting an application and may consult with the director during the review of the permit application.
      (iii)   Review of application by director. The director shall review the application and make a recommendation within 10 days of its receipt. In reviewing an application, he shall first consider whether the applicant has submitted sufficient information to allow an informed decision. If he finds that the proposed roof sign is consistent with the special character of this district, he shall make a recommendation of approval to the commission. The director shall consider the proposed sign in terms of its appropriateness for this district without regard to any consideration of the message conveyed by the sign. After consideration of these factors, the director shall recommend approval or denial of the application and forward that recommendation to the commission.
      (iv)   City plan commission review. Upon receipt of a recommendation by the director, the commission shall hold a public hearing to consider the application. At least 10 days before the hearing, notice of the date, time, and place of the hearing, the name of the applicant, and the location of the proposed roof sign must be published in the official newspaper of the city. In addition, the building official shall serve, by hand-delivery or mail, a written notice to the applicant that contains a reference to this subsection, and the date, time, and location of the hearing. A notice sent by mail is served by depositing it properly addressed and postage paid in the United States mail. In making its decision, the commission shall consider the same factors that were required to be considered by the director in making his recommendation. If the commission approves the application, it shall forward a certificate of appropriateness to the building official within 15 days of the date of its approval. If the commission denies the application, it shall so inform the building official in writing. The building official shall advise the applicant of the denial within five working days of the date of receipt of the written notice from the commission. If the commission does not deny the application within 60 days of its receipt by the building official, the building official shall issue a certificate of appropriateness to the applicant.
      (v)   Authority of building official not affected. Nothing in this subsection shall affect or modify the authority of the building official to refuse to grant a sign permit when the proposed roof sign does not conform to the height, effective area, setback, or similar restrictions established by this ordinance or the structural requirements of the construction codes of the city.
      (vi)   Appeal to council. A decision to deny the certificate may be appealed by the applicant. An appeal is made by filing a written request with the director for review by the city council. An appeal must be made within 10 days after notice is given to the applicant of the commission’s decision. In considering the appeal, the sole issue shall be whether or not the commission erred in making its decision, and in this connection, the city council shall consider the same standards that were required to be considered by the commission. Decisions of the city council are final as to available administrative remedies. (Ord. Nos. 24348; 25918; 30892; 31410)