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   A safety plan must include the following:
      (1)   The legal name, street address, mailing address, electronic mailing address, and telephone number of the property owner, venue operator, and any commercial promoters operating at the venue.
      (2)   The registration number for each commercial promoter operating at the venue.
      (3)   Street address of the promoted event.
      (4)   Date(s) of the promoted event (for event-specific safety plans).
      (5)   The promoted event beginning and ending times (for event-specific safety plans).
      (6)   A description of the promoted event, including activities, programming, entertainment, and all vendors.
      (7)   Maximum occupancy of indoor or outdoor spaces pursuant to the Chapter 16, "Dallas Fire Code," or Chapter 52, "Administrative Procedures for the Construction Codes of the Dallas City Code."
      (8)   Maximum total number of tickets to be sold.
      (9)   Expected total attendance and maximum expected attendance at any given time.
      (10)   Parking, including service vehicle loading/unloading and any valet services used.
      (11)   A description of any infrastructure built in connection with the promoted event such as stages and booths including the names and contact information for all contractors and other responsible parties building the infrastructure.
      (12)   Set-up and tear-down process and post-event outdoor clean-up plan.
      (13)   A crowd management plan that includes:
         (A)   the number, location, and responsibilities of crowd management personnel;
         (B)   all ingress, egress, and circulation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including emergency access for emergency responders;
         (C)   outdoor queuing for event entry;
         (D)   indoor queuing for food, beverages, merchandise, etc.; and
         (E)   any information required by Chapter 16, "Dallas Fire Code."
      (14)   A security management plan that includes:
         (A)   the number, location (inside and outside), and responsibilities of security personnel, including the provider/agency and command structure;
         (B)    the hours security personnel will be on site; and
         (C)   incident report procedures.
      (15)   First aid and medical information that includes:
         (A)   name of providers, including command structure;
         (B)   number and location of personnel and first aid and medical stations;
         (C)   location of signage directing the public to first aid and medical stations; and
         (D)   accident/incident report procedures.
      (16)   If the promoted event includes alcohol, provide the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission license/permit number or specify if patrons may bring their own alcohol.
      (17)   Noise abatement strategies.
      (18)   The number and location of metal detectors, if any.
      (19)   Whether pyrotechnics will be included in the promoted event.
      (20)   Emergency contingencies, including event stoppage and evacuation. (Ord. 32239)