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   (a)   A retiree who dies shall have death benefits determined and distributed in accordance with the provisions of the retirement option selected at retirement.
   (b)   If two or more beneficiaries are entitled to a pension upon a retiree's death and one of the beneficiaries subsequently dies or becomes ineligible, then that beneficiary's share of the pension will be divided equally among any remaining beneficiaries.
   (c)   If a retiree marries after retirement, the spouse of this marriage is not eligible for any retirement benefit from the fund other than as the retiree's heir, devisee, or designee.
   (d)   If the retiree is divorced, the former spouse has no right to benefits except as provided in Section 40A-34(b).
   (e)   When a retiree or beneficiary dies, the earned but unpaid portion of the final month's benefit will be paid as follows:
      (1)   To the beneficiary or beneficiaries entitled to future monthly benefits from the fund, to be divided in the same proportional shares as the future monthly benefits are to be divided.
      (2)   If there are no future monthly benefits payable, then to the decedent's surviving spouse, if any.
      (3)   If there are no future monthly benefits payable and if there is no surviving spouse, then to the executor or administrator of the decedent's estate, if any.
      (4)   If there are no future monthly benefits payable, if there is no surviving spouse, and if no executor or administrator has been named within 120 days of the decedent's death, then to the decedent's heirs as established by an affidavit of heirship filed with the administrator of the retirement fund. (Ord. Nos. 15414; 16886; 17713; 18181; 19470; 20443; 20960; 21582; 30162)