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   (a)   A member or inactive member eligible for a retirement pension is entitled to a pension for life computed on the amount of credited service of the member or inactive member.
   (b)   Except as provided in Section 40A-18(a), a member or inactive member eligible for a retirement pension is entitled to a pension beginning from the date of eligibility, but not before the member or inactive member's last paid day of employment with the city.
   (c)   A Tier A member or inactive member eligible for a service retirement pension who retires before the age of 50 is entitled to the following percentage of a benefit calculated under Section 40A-10(f):
   (d)   A Tier B member eligible for an early retirement pension under Section 40A-15(d) of this chapter who retires before the age of 65 is entitled to a benefit calculated under Section 40A-10(g) and then reduced in accordance with actuarially equivalent factors adopted by the board and in effect at the time of the member's retirement. These actuarially equivalent factors may not be given effect for at least six months after their adoption by the board. Copies of the actuarially equivalent factors must be maintained in the fund office and published on the fund's website.
   (e)   The following retirement options are payable from the fund:
      (1)   Life with a 10 year certain option. Under this option, a retiree will receive an unreduced pension for life. If the retiree dies before 120 monthly payments have been made, then an unreduced pension will be paid to the designated beneficiary or beneficiaries for the remainder of 10 years from the effective date of the retiree's retirement. Only qualified recipients of the retiree are eligible to be beneficiaries. If the retiree dies and if all designated beneficiaries die or cease to be eligible before 120 monthly payments have been made, then a final payment equal to the commuted value of the balance of the 120 monthly payments will be paid in the following order of priority:
         (A)   to one or more designees; or
         (B)   if no designee exists, to the retiree's estate.
      (2)   Joint and one-half survivor option. Under this option, a Tier A retiree will receive an unreduced pension for life and, after the retiree's death, one-half of the unreduced pension will be paid for the life of one beneficiary designated by the retiree before retirement. A Tier B retiree will receive an actuarially reduced pension for life and, after the retiree's death, one-half of the reduced pension will be paid for the life of one beneficiary designated by the retiree before retirement. Only a qualified recipient of the retiree other than one described in Section 40A-1(38)(C) is eligible to be the beneficiary. If both the retiree and the designated beneficiary die before 120 monthly payments have been made, then a final payment equal to the commuted value of the balance of the 120 monthly payments will be made to one or more designees or, if no designee exists, to the estate of the last person entitled to monthly benefits.
      (3)   Joint and full survivor option. Under this option, a retiree will receive an actuarially-reduced pension for life and, after the retiree's death, the same pension will be paid for the life of one beneficiary designated by the retiree before retirement. Only a qualified recipient of the retiree other than one designated in Section 40A-1(38)(C) is eligible to be the beneficiary. If both the retiree and the designated beneficiary die before 120 monthly payments have been made, then a final payment equal to the commuted value of the balance of the 120 monthly payments will be made to one or more designees or, if no designee exists, to the estate of the last person entitled to monthly benefits.
   (f)   Except as provided in Subsection (g), at the time of a normal, early, service, or disability retirement, a member or inactive member may select either a:
      (1)   joint and one-half survivor option; or
      (2)   life with a 10 year certain option.
   (g)   At the time of normal, early, service, or disability retirement, a member who is eligible by age and years of credited service for a normal, early, or service retirement pension or a member or inactive member who is retiring with 15 or more years of credited service may select:
      (1)   a joint and one-half survivor option;
      (2)   a life with a 10 year certain option; or
      (3)   a joint and full survivor option.
   (h)   Each retiring member or inactive member who is married shall designate the spouse as beneficiary under the joint and full survivor option, if eligible to select that option, or under the joint and one-half survivor option, if not eligible to select the joint and full survivor option. Any other designation of a beneficiary or selection of a retirement option will be effective only if agreed to by the spouse in writing on a form filed with the administrator.
   (i)   Except as provided in Section 40A-20, a retirement option may not be changed after the effective date of retirement. (Ord. Nos. 15414; 18181; 19470; 20960; 21582; 22345; 25695; 30162)