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   In addition to other duties assigned by this chapter and state law, a records liaison officer shall:
   (1)   in cooperation with the records management officer, coordinate and implement the requirements, policies, and procedures of the records management program in the department;
   (2)   disseminate information to department staff concerning the records management program;
   (3)   in cooperation with the records management officer, coordinate the records inventory of the department;
   (4)   verify the accuracy, content, and completeness of the records inventory prior to submission to the records management officer;
   (5)   review departmental recordkeeping practices for compliance with the records management program and, in consultation with the records management officer, identify practices that require improvement for the purposes of increasing efficiency or implementing corrective action for program compliance;
   (6)   report any noncompliance with the records management program to the department director in writing; and
   (7)   correct and re-submit to the records management officer any records inventory that is incomplete or inaccurate. (Ord. Nos. 20787; 23267)
   (a)   The records management officer, in cooperation with department directors and records liaison officers, shall prepare records retention and disposition schedules on a department by department basis that describe, and establish the retention periods for, all city records created or received by each department. A records retention and disposition schedule must contain such other information regarding the disposition of city records as the records management program may require. Every city record identified on a records retention and disposition schedule, in any amendment to the schedule, or in any request for destruction of a record must be specifically described. Any records retention and disposition schedule, amendment to a schedule, or request for destruction of a record that contains general terms such as “miscellaneous” and “various” to describe any record identified in such a document may not be submitted to the city council, the records management policy committee, or the records management officer for consideration.
   (b)   Each records retention and disposition schedule must be monitored and amended as needed by the records management officer on a regular basis to ensure that the schedule is in compliance with records retention and disposition schedules issued by the state and that the schedule continues to reflect the recordkeeping procedures and needs of the department and the records management program of the city.
   (c)   Before its adoption by the city council, a records retention and disposition schedule or amended schedule for a department must be approved by the department director, the records management officer, and the records management policy committee.
   (d)   After city council adoption, a records retention and disposition schedule may not be implemented until the schedule or a written certification of compliance has been submitted by the records management officer to and accepted for filing by the director and librarian of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, as provided by state law. If a schedule or certification of compliance is not accepted for filing, the schedule must be amended and re-submitted to the city council for adoption to make it acceptable for filing.
   (e)   The records management officer shall determine whether to file with the director and librarian of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission an approved records retention and disposition schedule or a written certification of compliance. (Ord. Nos. 20787; 23267)
   (a)   The department director and records liaison officer of a department for which a records retention and disposition schedule has been approved and adopted under Section 39C-14 shall implement the schedule in accordance with the requirements, policies, and procedures of the records management program, this chapter, and state law.
   (b)   A department director or records liaison officer shall notify the records management officer when a city record is eligible for disposition and shall prepare and submit to the records management officer a records disposition request, if required by the applicable records retention and disposition schedule, as a condition for disposition of the city record.
   (c)   Before a city record is destroyed under an approved records retention and disposition schedule, the records management officer must obtain authorization for the destruction from the records management policy committee, unless the approved schedule specifies that the record may be destroyed without additional review or authority of the records management policy committee.
   (d)   A city record whose retention period has expired on an approved records retention and disposition schedule must be destroyed unless:
      (1)   a request under the Public Information Act is pending on the record;
      (2)   the subject matter of the record is pertinent to pending litigation or a pending audit;
      (3)   the department director or a member of the records management policy committee requests in writing to the records management officer that the record be retained for an additional period, which request must clearly state the reason for the continued retention; or
      (4)   the records management officer sends written notification to a department director that the records must be held pending review for historical appraisal. (Ord. Nos. 20787; 23267)
   A city record that is obsolete or that has not been identified on an approved records retention and disposition schedule may be destroyed if:
      (1)   its destruction has been approved in the same manner required by this chapter for the destruction of a record that is identified on an approved records retention and disposition schedule; and
      (2)   the Texas State Library and Archives Commission has:
         (A)   through its director and librarian approved a request for destruction authorization submitted by the records management officer; or
         (B)   by rule excepted the destruction of the record from further notice to the director and librarian of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. (Ord. Nos. 20787; 23267)
   (a)   The Dallas municipal archives and records center (DMARC) serves as a centralized records storage facility for all departments for the storage of noncurrent city records. DMARC also serves as the repository for permanent and historical city records that are transferred to the facility by departments.
   (b)   DMARC is under the direct control and supervision of the records management officer. The records management officer shall establish policies and procedures regulating the operations and use of DMARC by city departments. (Ord. Nos. 20787; 23267)