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SEC. 34-22.   SICK LEAVE.
   (a)   Eligibility. Every permanent employee accrues and may use sick leave upon initial appointment.
   (b)   Reappointments. A person reappointed as a city employee under conditions described in Section 34-10(a)(1) or (a)(2) retrieves sick leave credit accumulated before the person's previous termination from city employment and is entitled to both accrue and use sick leave after reappointment.
   (c)   Sworn employee's sick leave eligibility.
      (1)   A sworn employee of the police or fire department may take 30 sick leave days each calendar year. This amount shall not exceed 360 hours for a sworn employee in the emergency response bureau of the fire department and 240 hours for every other sworn employee of the police or fire department.
      (2)   Any sick leave days taken in excess of the number that, under Subsection (d), can be accrued during a year will be subtracted from the employee's accrued sick leave balance.
   (d)   Accrual. Every permanent employee accrues sick leave each year as follows:
      (1)   A sworn employee in the emergency response bureau of the fire department accrues six hours each bi-weekly pay period, to a maximum of 144 hours annually.
      (2)   A sworn employee in the communications bureau of the fire department accrues four hours each bi-weekly pay period, to a maximum of 96 hours annually.
      (3)   Every other bi-weekly paid employee accrues five percent of hours paid up to 80 in each bi-weekly pay period, to a maximum of 96 hours annually.
      (4)   Every weekly paid employee accrues five percent of hours paid up to 40 in each weekly pay period, to a maximum of 96 hours annually.
   (e)   Maximum accrual. The maximum sick leave that may be accrued is 2,160 hours for a sworn employee in the emergency response bureau of the fire department and 1,440 hours for any other employee. When an employee's accrued sick leave reaches the maximum number of hours, the accrual ceases until the employee takes sick leave hours.
   (f)   Computation of sick leave taken. An absence charged to sick leave will be for the number of hours in the standard work day and will not include overtime whether scheduled or not. An absence charged to sick leave for a sworn employee of the emergency response bureau of the fire department will be made on the basis of 24 hours for each scheduled work shift.
   (g)   Sick leave usage. Sick leave may only be granted or taken when:
      (1)   an employee is incapacitated for the performance of duties due to an illness, surgical procedure, or off-job injury;
      (2)   a medical, dental, or optical examination or treatment is necessary, provided that prior approval of the supervisor is obtained;
      (3)   an employee is incapacitated by or recovering from pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, or childbirth;
      (4)   it is necessary to care for an immediate family member who is ill or incapacitated;
      (5)   an employee has been exposed to a contagious disease, meaning one that would warrant quarantine by a health officer, and the employee's presence on the job would jeopardize the health of others;
      (6)   it is allowed under the city's wage supplementation plan; or
      (7)   it is allowed under the city's administrative directives governing the administration of the Family and Medical Leave Act.
   (h)   Notice of unexpected absence.
      (1)   Notice of absence due to an illness, injury, or any other unexpected reason must be given in the following manner:
         (A)   Every employee, except one covered by Paragraph (1)(B) of this subsection, must give notice to the employee's supervisor from within two hours before to within 30 minutes after starting time, depending upon departmental procedures. The supervisor may require the employee to report on each succeeding day of absence.
         (B)   An employee in a department with a 24-hour, seven-day work schedule must give notice to the employee's supervisor at least one hour before reporting time on the first day of the absence and, if required by the supervisor, on each succeeding day of absence.
      (2)   Failure to give the notice required in this subsection may result in the employee being declared absent without leave and subject to disciplinary action.
   (i)   Physician's statement. Upon request by a supervisor, a department director, or the director of human resources, an employee may be required to:
      (1)   furnish a statement from an attending physician demonstrating the existence of circumstances described in Subsection (g)(1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) of this section; or
      (2)   submit to a physical or mental examination by a health care provider (including but not limited to a physician or psychologist) selected by the city.
   (j)   Refusal to return from sick leave. An employee who is released by the treating physician to return to regular or limited duty and who refuses to report for work or perform assigned duties is subject to disciplinary action.
   (k)   Holidays. If an official holiday occurs during a period of illness, an employee will be charged for the holiday instead of for sick leave.
   (l)   Illness during vacation. If an employee becomes ill while taking vacation leave, the period of illness may be charged as sick leave and the charge against vacation leave will be reduced accordingly. A request for this substitution must be made within two days after the employee's return to work and must be supported by a medical statement.
   (m)   Sick leave during suspension. An employee on suspension forfeits use and accrual of sick leave for the duration of the suspension. Upon completion of the suspension, the employee must either physically return to work or, if ill, submit an approved doctor's statement justifying inability to return to work before sick leave credit and accrual may be restored.
   (n)   Sick leave during leave without pay. An employee on leave without pay forfeits use and accrual of sick leave for the duration of the leave without pay, except to the extent that the leave without pay is authorized by the City's Family and Medical Leave provisions. Upon completion of the leave without pay, the employee must either physically return to work or, if ill, submit an approved doctor's statement justifying inability to return to work before sick leave credit and accrual may be restored.
   (o)   Military service. Sick leave for an employee performing duties in the military service is governed by Section 34-30 of this chapter and administrative directives established pursuant to that section.
   (p)   Sick leave adjustment for changes in work schedules. A sworn employee of the fire department will have any sick leave balance adjusted proportionately to reflect differences in work schedules when:
      (1)   the employee transfers to or from the emergency response bureau of the fire department; or
      (2)   the employee's full-time regular work schedule is increased or decreased.
   (q)   Use of vacation leave when sick leave is exhausted. If an employee's sick leave balance is exhausted, the employee may use available vacation leave in cases of illness or injury.
   (r)   Advance sick leave. The director of a department may approve a request for advance sick leave for an employee who has completed three consecutive years of city employment and accumulated a minimum of 96 hours of sick leave prior to the occurrence of the condition for which the advance sick leave is needed. The employee shall provide an anticipated return to work date when making the request. The maximum advance of sick leave that may be granted may not exceed 120 hours for a sworn employee in the emergency response bureau of the fire department or 80 hours for any other employee. A request for advance sick leave will not be approved until all expendable paid leave is exhausted and the employee has no outstanding balance of previously-granted advance sick leave. If an employee who is indebted for unearned sick leave terminates, the employee shall refund the amount paid for the period of the advanced sick leave. No refund is required in cases of death or retirement for disability.
   (s)   Lump sum payment of sick leave.
      (1)   Retirement or 20 years' service. An employee shall be granted lump sum payment of sick leave remaining to the employee's credit in any amount that does not exceed 1,080 hours for a sworn employee in the emergency response bureau of the fire department or 720 hours for any other employee when the employee:
         (A)   retires from city employment and is immediately eligible to receive retirement payments; or
         (B)   terminates for any reason with 20 or more years of continuous full-time service, including:
            (i)   any continuous full-time service retrieved under Section 34-10(a) of this chapter; and
            (ii)   any credited service purchased for retirement purposes under Section 40A-14 of this code after a termination resulting from a reduction in force.
      (2)   Disability. Any employee who is placed on a disability pension shall be granted lump sum payment of any sick leave remaining to the employee's credit in any amount that does not exceed 1,080 hours for a sworn employee in the emergency response bureau of the fire department and 720 hours for any other employee. The appropriate pension board will determine the date of permanent disability. Use of sick leave will be discontinued and lump sum payment made effective on that date.
      (3)   Death. If an employee dies, the total accumulated sick leave in any amount that does not exceed 1,080 hours for a sworn employee in the emergency response bureau of the fire department and 720 hours for any other employee shall be computed with the final settlement of the employee's wages and paid in a lump sum to the employee's beneficiary or estate.
      (4)   Computation. Lump sum payment of sick leave is computed by multiplying the number of hours of sick leave to which an employee is entitled by the employee's regular rate of pay on the date of termination. An employee who elects to receive lump sum payment of sick leave upon termination and who is later reemployed with the city may not receive another lump sum payment of sick leave.
      (5)   Eligibility. An employee hired or rehired by the city on or after October 1, 2003 is not eligible for any lump sum payment of sick leave under this subsection.
   (t)   Family leave. An employee who is eligible for family leave under Section 34-24.1(b) may be required to deduct hours from the employee's sick leave balance to cover all or part of any absence from work for a family leave purpose described in Section 34-24.1(c).
   (u)   Discretionary sick leave for new third-tier executive and above. In addition to sick leave accrual authorized in Subsection (d) of this section, the city manager may, beginning on the person's employment start date, approve up to 80 hours of sick leave for a person hired into a third-tier executive position and above. This subsection does not apply to a city employee who is promoted into a third-tier executive position and above.
   (v)   Department rules. Departments that implement rules regarding employee attendance must do so with review and input by the Department of Human Resources and the City Attorney's Office.
   (w)   Sick leave to be used first. Accrued sick leave balances must be used first for sick leave purposes before other types of accrued leave balances can be used. (Ord. Nos. 19340; 19932; 22026; 22195; 22296; 22318; 24873; 24930; 25386; 28024; 28425; 29480; 29883; 30657; 31745)