(a) The chair shall preside at all meetings of the board. In the absence of the chair, the vice-chair shall exercise the powers of the chair. The seniority of the vice-chairs, if more than one, must be stipulated at the time of their selections. If no chair or vice-chair is available, the board may appoint a temporary chair. The first adjournment puts an end to this appointment.
(b) The presiding officer shall rule on points of order and procedures that are brought up in board meetings.
(c) If the chair and all vice-chairs are absent at the beginning of a meeting, the board shall elect a temporary chair.
(d) In debate the chair must be referred to by official title and be addressed by prefixing Mr. or Madam, as the case may be, to that title.
(e) Unless specifically provided otherwise in the ordinance or city charter provision creating a particular board:
(1) The mayor shall appoint the chair of each board from among the members appointed, subject to confirmation by the city council, and the vice-chair of every board of the city must be appointed by the full city council, unless otherwise provided in state law, city charter, or city code;
(2) no city board may have more than one vice-chair appointed to serve on it at any given time, unless otherwise provided in state law, city charter, or city code;
(3) the term of appointment for a chair or vice-chair must run concurrently with his or her term of appointment to the board; and
(4) Notwithstanding paragraph (3) of this section, the chair or vice-chair may be removed from the position of chair or vice-chair for any cause the city council deems sufficient for removal in the interest of the public, but only after a public hearing before the city council on charges publicly made, if demanded by such member within 10 days. Removal of the position of chair or vice chair does not affect the member's term of appointment to the board. (Ord. Nos. 14180; 18997; 20488; 22259; 30555)