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   (a)   A person shall, not later than the 30th day after learning that he is the owner of an aggressive dog:
      (1)   have an unsterilized aggressive dog spayed or neutered;
      (2)   register the aggressive dog with the director and pay to the director an aggressive dog fee of $201;
      (3)   restrain the aggressive dog at all times on a leash in the immediate control of a person or in a secure enclosure;
      (4)   when taken outside the secure enclosure, securely muzzle the dog in a manner that will not cause injury to the dog nor interfere with its vision or respiration. The muzzle must prevent the aggressive dog from biting any person or animal;
      (5)   show acceptable proof of financial responsibility in the amount of at least $100,000 to cover damages resulting from an attack by the aggressive dog causing bodily injury to a person or another animal. The owner shall maintain proof of financial responsibility at all times as required by this article. Failure or refusal of the owner to have and maintain proof of financial responsibility in full force and effect is a violation of this article and an offense. The owner may show acceptable proof of financial responsibility by any of the following methods:
         (A)   Obtaining liability insurance conditioned for payment to cover damages resulting from an attack by the aggressive dog causing bodily injury to a person or another animal.
         (B)   Obtaining a surety bond conditioned for payment to cover damages resulting from an attack by the aggressive dog causing bodily injury to a person or another animal.
         (C)   Obtaining an escrow account conditioned for payment to cover damages resulting from an attack by the aggressive dog causing bodily injury to a person or another animal.
         (D)   Obtaining a certificate of deposit at a financial institution that is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the National Credit Union Administration and an affidavit stating the certificate of deposit is intended to cover damages resulting from an attack by the aggressive dog causing bodily injury to a person or another animal.
         (E)   Any other proof of financial responsibility deemed acceptable by the judge who heard the appeal under Section 7-5.14;
      (6)   place and maintain on the aggressive dog a collar or harness with a current aggressive dog registration tag securely attached to it;
      (7)   have the aggressive dog injected with a microchip implant and registered with a national registry for dogs;
      (8)   post a legible sign at each entrance to the enclosure in which the aggressive dog is confined stating "BEWARE AGGRESSIVE DOG." The aforementioned sign must be purchased from Dallas Animal Services.
   (b)   The owner of the aggressive dog shall renew the registration of the aggressive dog with the director annually and pay an annual aggressive dog registration fee of $50.
   (c)   The owner of an aggressive dog who does not comply with Subsection (a) shall deliver the dog to the director not later than the 30th day after learning that the animal is aggressive.
   (d)   Upon receipt of a sworn, written complaint by any person that the owner of a previously determined aggressive dog has failed to comply with Subsection (a) of this section, the municipal court shall conduct a hearing to determine whether the owner is in compliance with Subsection (a). The hearing must be conducted within 30 days after receipt of the complaint, but, if the dog is already impounded, not later than 10 days after the date on which the dog was seized or delivered. The municipal court shall provide by mail, written notice of the date, time, and location of the hearing to the dog owner and to the complainant. Any interested party may present evidence at the hearing.
   (e)   At the conclusion of the hearing, the municipal court shall:
      (1)   find that the owner of an aggressive dog is in compliance with Subsection (a) of this section and, if the dog is impounded, order the director to waive any impoundment fees incurred and release the dog to its owner; or
      (2)   find that the owner of an aggressive dog is not in compliance with Subsection (a) of this section and order the director to seize and impound the dog (if the dog is not already impounded) and to:
         (A)   humanely destroy the dog if the director determines that the owner has not complied with Subsection (a) of this section by the 11th day after the date the municipal court issues an order under this subsection or the dog is seized and impounded, whichever occurs later, or release the dog to the owner if the director determines that the owner has complied with Subsection (a) before the 11th day;
         (B)   humanely destroy the dog if:
            (i)   the director determines that the owner has not complied with Subsection (a) of this section by the 11th day after the date the municipal court issues an order under this subsection or the dog is seized and impounded, whichever occurs later;
            (ii)   the owner of the dog cannot be located before the 15th day after the date the municipal court issues an order under this subsection or the dog is seized and impounded, whichever occurs later; or
            (iii)   the dog was previously determined aggressive was at large.
   (f)   Prior to transferring ownership, either inside or outside the city limits, the owner shall notify the director in writing of his or her intention. In addition to written notification if ownership of the aggressive dog is being transferred to a person who resides within the city limits, the new owner must provide proof to the director of complying with Subsection (a) before the aggressive dog can be moved from the previous owner's custody. A person commits an offense if he or she transfers ownership without complying with the requirements of this subsection.
   (g)   The owner of the aggressive dog is responsible for all costs of seizure, acceptance, and impoundment, and all costs must be paid before the dog will be released to the owner. (Ord. Nos. 30901; 31332; 32556; 32843)