(a) A request for a reset or continuance of an appeal hearing or of a hearing on an exemption from a locational restriction must be granted by the city secretary if the request is received in writing by the city secretary not less than 10 days before the scheduled hearing date.
(b) The city secretary may not grant any request for a reset or continuance received less than 10 days before a scheduled hearing date, unless the city secretary, after notifying all parties to the appeal or exemption hearing of the request, determines that:
(1) exigent, compelling, or exceptional circumstances exist that:
(A) were unforeseen by and beyond the control of the person requesting the reset or continuance; and
(B) require immediate action or attention by the person requesting the reset or continuance; and
(2) no opposing party will be unreasonably damaged or inconvenienced by the reset or continuance.
(c) Notwithstanding Subsection (a) of this section, a party that has been granted one reset of a scheduled hearing may not be granted another reset of any scheduled hearing for the same appeal or request for an exemption unless the city secretary makes the determinations required by Subsection (b) of this section. (Ord. Nos. 23386; 25002)