(A)   A water rate shall be established for not for profit youth sports activities in the amount of $10 for entire sports season provided that the following conditions are met.
      (1)   The youth sports governing body is a not for profit corporation that only performs activities related to the youth sports functions.
      (2)   Activities conducted shall be for the benefit of youth.
      (3)   The youth activities shall be conducted between March and October 31 of each year.
      (4)   None of the activities shall be conducted on any property owned or controlled by a school corporation.
   (B)   The water rate as established is reasonable because there exists a water meter at the facility used for youth sports and that the use of the water is substantially less than minimal on an annual basis. A “minimum” rate would therefore be unreasonable.
(Ord. 2012-06, passed 6-11-2012)