No person shall ride or operate a skateboard, scooter or use roller skates within the town without complying with this section and any other applicable ordinances or statutes as follows.
   (A)   Yielding to pedestrians. Whenever any person is riding a skateboard or scooter or using roller skates within town limits on a hard surface as above described where pedestrians may be found or encountered; such person shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall not approach, overtake or pass such pedestrian in a reckless or careless manner nor pass such pedestrian except in a single file if such person is riding or skating with others. It shall be the duty of the oncoming person to verbally warn the pedestrian being overtaken of the person’s intention to pass the pedestrian and upon which side the overtaking shall occur.
   (B)   Riding on certain structures or devices. No person shall skateboard, scooter or skate on any public bench, table, planter wall, playground equipment (except the skateboard facility in the town’s main park next to Town Hall), picnic tables, curbs or other structures which are not intended for either pedestrian or vehicular use, or jump, or step on or off such devices or structures. No person shall skateboard, scooter or skate on any steps, curbs or on handicap ramps.
   (C)   Reckless or dangerous riding. No person shall skateboard, scooter or roller skate in a reckless or careless manner nor in a manner that is likely to result in injury to any person or property.
   (D)   Riding on private property without permission. No person shall skateboard, scooter or skate on private property without first obtaining permission of the owner of said property.
   (E)   Riding while attached to vehicle. No person shall skateboard, scooter or skate while aided by a motorized vehicle.
   (F)   State Roads 32, 67 and Walnut Street. No person shall operate a skateboard, scooter or skate on State Roads 32 or 67 or upon Walnut Street within the town limits.
   (G)   Safety equipment. No person shall skateboard, scooter or skate within the town limits without a helmet designed to protect the user and fitted to reasonably protect the person.
(Ord. 06-05, passed 10-2-2006) Penalty, see § 72.99