(a) The following uses of buildings or premises within the General Industrial Districts are hereby prohibited:
(1) Billboards and advertising devices, except signs advertising premises for sale, lease or rent, upon which such sign is located, or for advertising the business conducted in the building upon which such sign is placed;
(2) Acid manufacture, whether hydrochloric, nitric, picric, sulphuric or sulphurous;
(3) Ammonia, bleaching powder, soda, soda compound, potash or chlorine manufacture or refining;
(4) Bronze powder manufacture;
(5) Cement, gypsum, lime or plaster of Paris manufacture;
(6) Distillation of bones, coal or wood, or the manufacture of any of the by-products of such distillation;
(7) Fat, grease, lard or tallow manufacture, rendering or refining;
(8) Fertilizer manufactured from phosphates or organic matter;
(9) Gelatin, glue or size manufacture;
(Ord. 1953-21. Passed 5-13-53.)
(10) Commercial waste material landfills and sanitary landfills and the storage, shredding, pelletizing, processing, burning, incineration, reduction or disposal of garbage, dead animals, offal, waste materials, rubbish, wrecked vehicles, scrap equipment, fixtures, appliances, containers, scrap metal or materials or any other debris. This prohibition shall also apply to the establishment of transfer points where such materials are transferred from one means of conveyance to another with or without temporary depositing or storage. For the purpose of this section, the definitions contained in Section 1060.01 of the Codified Ordinances are hereby incorporated. These prohibitions shall also apply to Residence Districts.
(Ord. 1986-29. Passed 5-28-86.)
(11) Manufacture of explosives or the storage thereof in bulk;
(12) Nitrating of cotton or other cellulose material;
(13) Rayon manufacture;
(14) Slaughtering of animals;
(15) Stockyards;
(16) Penal or correctional institutions or hospitals for the insane;
(17) Varnish manufacture;
(18) Stock feeding from garbage or refuse;
(19) Tanning, curing or storing of raw hides or skins;
(20) Wool pulling or scouring; hair manufacture;
(21) Junk yards or premises used for the scrapping or storing of junk automobiles;
(22) Asphalt manufacture, refining or preparation;
(23) Carbon, lampblack or graphite manufacture;
(24) Celluloid or pyroxylin manufacture, or explosive or inflammable cellulose or pyroxylin products manufacture;
(25) Coal tar manufacture or tar distillation, except as byproducts of public utility gas manufacture or mineral dye manufacture;
(26) Creosote manufacture or treatment;
(27) Emery cloth or sandpaper manufacture;
(28) Fireworks manufacture or storage thereof;
(29) Glucose manufacture;
(30) Linoleum manufacture;
(31) Oiled cloth or oiled clothing manufacture or the impregnation of any fabrics by oxidizing oils; window shade or patent leather manufacture;
(Ord. 1953-21. Passed 5-13-53.)
(32) The refining, cracking, distilling, fractionation or processing of gasoline and other petroleum products and the storage thereof in bulk, except that the storage of gasoline and other petroleum products in bulk may hereafter be extended to the limits of any parcel of land owned and used for such purpose at the time of the enactment of this paragraph (Ordinance 1956-94, passed January 23, 1957) and may hereafter also be located on land situated between the Ohio Canal and the Cuyahoga River north of the New York Central Short Line Railroad right of way;
(Ord. 1956-94. Passed 1-23-57.)
(33) Rubber, caoutchouc or gutta-percha manufacture from crude or scrap material, or the manufacture of articles therefrom or from balata;
(Ord. 1953-21. Passed 5-13-53.)
(34) Motels, trailer camps, outdoor theaters and race tracks;
(Ord. 1961-63. Passed 10-25-61.)
(35) Truck terminals, truck depots, truck interchanges or trucking warehouses;
(36) The piling and storage of salt for distribution and use on premises or in places other than the premises where stored;
(37) Any other industry or use which creates corrosive, toxic or noisome fumes, gas, smoke, odors or obnoxious dust or vapor, or offensive noise or vibration, except that such may be permitted by the Board of Zoning Appeals in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by it, provided that it is a necessary accessory to a conforming use;
(Ord. 1953-21. Passed 5-13-53; Ord. 1974-48. Passed 8-20-74.)
(38) The wholesale and retail sale and distribution of propane gas;
(Ord. 1981-27. Passed 4-29-81.)
(39) Burn-out oven processes, except that such procedures may be permitted by a special permit granted by Council after a hearing and upon the finding that the burn-out oven processes will not be located in areas in near proximity to residences or will not cause a nuisance in the neighborhood. Such special permit shall not be issued until such time as a permit to install has been issued by the controlling Air Pollution Control Authority; and
(40) Firearm discharge facility, which shall be defined as any indoor or outdoor area used for the discharge of any firearm, including, but not limited to, rifles and handguns, or any dangerous ordnance (as such aforementioned terms are defined by Ohio R.C. 2923.11) for practice, competition, demonstration, commerce, or otherwise, whether or not such premises has any other business purpose of any nature whatsoever.
(Ord. 1984-16. Passed 5-9-84.)
(41) Multi-unit self-storage facilities. For the purposes of this Chapter, a “Multi-unit self-storage facility” shall mean any structure containing separate storage spaces that are leased, rented, or sold as individual units.
(Ord. 2017-71. Passed 9-13-17.)
(b) Any of the above prohibited uses, except a firearm discharge facility, may be carried on where it is accessory or incidental to a permitted use and is not the primary or principal use of the premises, provided it is located upon the same lot with the building or use to which it is accessory or incidental, whether such lot is located within or without the limits of the Village.
(Ord. 1953-21. Passed 5-13-53; Ord. 2013-91. Passed 11-11-13.)