6.04.012   Limits.
   A maximum of six pets, over the age of six months, per residence (not including fish and birds) may be kept, maintained, harbored, or in the custody of a person within city limits if all of the following criteria are met:
   A.   The owner, keeper, or custodian of the pet(s) has applied for, and received, a license for the pet(s) as required in this chapter.
   B.   A registration tag bearing the legible number of the license for the animal(s) is securely fastened to the animal's collar or harness, and is clearly visible.
   C.   The animal(s) is restrained by a leash, lead, tether, or chain fastened to an immobile object, held in the hand of a person capable of controlling the animal, or is confined within a building, kennel, pen, run, or enclosure from which it cannot escape. (Ord. 749, 2014; Ord. 636 (part), 2006)