5.16.010   Pawnbroker defined.
   A.   For the purposes of this chapter, a "pawnbroker" is any person who:
   1.   Engages in the business of lending money on the deposit of pledge of personal property, other than securities, or evidence or indebtedness; or
   2.   Purchases personal property with an expressed or implied agreement or understanding to sell it back at a stipulated price.
   B.   This definition shall exempt the following transactions:
   1.   Any person, firm or corporation selling new, unused articles, and any receiving or taking in used articles or trade from the purchasers of the new articles against the purchase price of said new articles which are sold for their market value;
   2.   Casual and occasional sales of used household goods by the owner thereof to the public, on a nonreceiving basis, if the seller, at time of sale, is not engaged for profit in the business of selling goods of that or similar nature. This category includes those sales commonly referred to as "garage sales";
   3.   Transaction in secondhand goods at stores or events sponsored by nonprofit corporations or associations or fraternal or religious organizations. (Ord. 344 § 1, 1990)