All definitions included elsewhere in Title 17 of the City of Custer Municipal Code shall apply to this chapter. Accessory dwelling units are only allowed in zoning districts in which they are listed as a conditional or permitted use as defined in Title 17 of the City of Custer Municipal Code.
“Accessory dwelling unit” means a residential living unit that is within or attached to a single-family dwelling or is located in a detached structure and that provides independent living facilities for one or more persons, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel of land as the principal dwelling unit it accompanies.
1. “Attached accessory dwelling unit” means an accessory dwelling unit that is physically connected to the principal residence.
2. “Detached accessory dwelling unit” means a stand-alone home on the same lot as a larger, primary structure.
(Ord. 897 (part), 2023)