A. An application for renewal shall be submitted at least 60 days before the expiration date of the current state license. The license holder must continue to meet the license requirements to be eligible for renewal. If an application to renew the current license is not received by the city at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the current license, the license shall terminate on the final day of the license. Any request to renew that does not meet the time frame set forth herein may only be addressed by the applicant submitting an application pursuant to Section 5.10.030.
B. The renewal fee will be set by resolution within the fee schedule.
C. A cannabis establishment shall begin operation within one year after the issuance of the annual license. A cannabis dispensary shall continuously and actively conduct business. If a license holder has not operated an establishment for which it holds a license in the preceding 12 months, the license will not be renewed.
D. Any dispensary license not actively used for a period of more than 60 cumulative days per calendar year may be deemed inactive by the city. Failure to actively use a license may subject the license to revocation or denial of a renewal application on the basis of non-use.
(Ord. 912, 2024: Ord. 873 (part), 2022: Ord. 858 (part), 2021)