17.52.040   Considerations for approval or denial.
   Generally, the granting of any conditional use shall be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and will not be injurious to the neighborhood, detrimental to the public welfare, or be in conflict with the comprehensive plan for development. The following are considerations the Planning Commission may use in determining the approval or denial of a conditional use permit, and supporting documentation may be requested:
   A.   That adequate utilities, public safety, water supply, sewage disposal, surface drainage, flood control, soil conservation, access roads, drainage and other necessary facilities have been considered and/or are being provided;
   B.   That the conditional use is consistent with the surrounding area in terms of character and density;
   C.   That the conditional use conforms with and is a compatible use within the comprehensive plan;
   D.   The proposed use shall be in compliance with all other ordinances;
   E.   The proposed use shall comply with all specific restrictions and requirements of the zone district;
   F.   The proposed use shall be eligible for a conditional use permit based on the zoning district;
   G.   Lighting shall be designed so that it presents a minimal impact to adjacent property. All exterior light sources must be shielded and directed downward;
   H.   The proposed use shall have adequate vehicular access and parking to serve the proposed use;
   I.   The proposed use shall comply with all applicable state licensing requirements and/or regulations;
   J.   The applicant shall submit proof of commercial liability insurance for the proposed use; and
   K.   That the Planning Commission may impose reasonable conditions in granting a conditional use on the condition that the individual accepting those conditions is bound by them; and that the Commission may consider any public comments and comments from public officials.
(Ord. 910 (part), 2024: Ord. 805, 2018)