17.52.020   Conditional use application and fees.
   A.   Applications: any person, firm, or corporation may apply for a conditional use permit. If such person, firm, or corporation is acting as an authorized agent, written authorization consenting to the application shall be provided by the property owner. An application shall be provided by the city and returned to the City Planner. The completed application along with all supporting documentation shall be submitted to the City Planner at least twenty (20) days prior to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting and shall illustrate:
      1.   A written request pertaining to the proposed use;
      2.   A complete legal description of the property, maps identifying the property, any diagrams of the property;
      3.   A site plan that shall include the following information:
         a.   The proposed land uses and any specific services to be offered;
         b.   All property lines and dimensions of the lot(s);
         c.   The adjacent land use;
         d.   The existing and proposed structures, dimensions, and location of all facilities (i.e. pump stations, gas tanks, etc.);
         e.   The proposed and existing improvements, including septic systems, drain fields, wells, cistern systems, parking and roads;
         f.   The proposed and existing signs and their locations; and
         g.   The relationship of the proposed development to the surrounding area.
   B.   Fees: Upon filing any application for a conditional use permit, the applicant shall pay Custer City the appropriate fee(s) as set forth by the fee schedule adopted annually by resolution.
(Ord. 910 (part), 2024: Ord. 805, 2018)