17.44.070   Protests to a proposed zoning ordinance.
   Any protests to a proposed zoning ordinance shall follow the following guidelines:
   A.   Any written protests to a proposed ordinance must be filed with the Finance Officer and it must be signed by at least forty (40) percent of the owners of equity in the lots included in any proposed district and the lands within two hundred fifty (250) feet from any part of the proposed district. Any written protest must be filed before the date the ordinance becomes effective pursuant to SDCL 9-19-7.
   B.   For purposes of determining who is an owner of equity for a written protest, a corporation is construed to be a sole owner, and if parcels of land are in the name of more than one (1) person, ownership representation is in proportion to the number of signers who join in the petition in relation to the number of owners.
   C.   If a written protest has been filed correctly, the ordinance does not become effective unless the ordinance is approved by two-thirds of the City Council.
   D.   The protest provisions of this section do not apply to any ordinance regulating or establishing flood plain areas. (Ord. 803, 2018)