17.44.060   Considerations for approval or denial.
   Generally, the approval of any zoning ordinance shall be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and official zoning map. The following are considerations the City Council and Planning Commission may use in determining the approval or denial of a zoning ordinance:
   A.   The following conditions shall be met for all ordinances involving the rezoning of a currently zoned property or properties.
   1.   The zoning amendment shall be necessary because of substantially changed or changing conditions of the area.
   2.   The proposed amendment shall not adversely affect any other part of the city, nor shall any direct or indirect adverse effect result from the amendment.
   3.   The proposed amendment shall be consistent with any large development plans in the area being zoned as well as not in conflict with the comprehensive plan of the city.
   B.   The proposed zoning ordinance shall be consistent with the intent of the zoning ordinances of the city.
   C.   The proposed zoning ordinance shall be consistent with the official zoning map of the city and refrain from creating discontinuity with the official zoning map. (Ord. 803, 2018)