17.36.150   Mobile home courts—1981 regulations.
   The following provisions shall apply to all mobile home courts and individual lots used for manufactured homes, mobile homes or trailer homes prior to May 7, 1997, but after April 23, 1981, may be established in specified zoning districts according to the procedures for granting permitted conditional use, provided that the proposed mobile home court meets all of the following requirements (Sec. 1208, city comprehensive plan):
   A.   Neither a mobile home nor any appendage thereto shall be deemed to be a structure.
   B.   No mobile home shall be occupied for any purpose whatsoever unless such mobile home be located in a mobile home court.
   C.   Every mobile home court shall be located on a well-drained site in an area free from marshes, swamps or other potential breeding places for insects of rodents.
   D.   Every mobile home parked at a mobile home court shall have toilet and bathing accommodations connected to municipal water and sewer facilities.
   E.   All structures which are an integral part of a mobile home court shall be securely affixed to a permanent foundation, excluding mobile homes and appendages.
   F.   A well-defined area, called a mobile home space shall be provided for every mobile home parked in a mobile home court.
   G.   Every mobile home space shall abut upon a continuous graveled or hard surfaced driveway maintained in good condition, not less than twenty-four (24) feet wide, which is connected with a street or alley. No parking of any kind or other obstruction shall be permitted in any such driveway.
   H.   No mobile home shall be parked other than in a mobile home space, and every part of a mobile home and appendage thereto shall be at least eight feet from the outer limits of the mobile home space occupied by it.
   I.   No permanent structure in a mobile home court shall be located closer than eight feet from any mobile home space or interior roadway.
   J.   Every mobile home court must provide off-street parking facilities for at least one motor vehicle per mobile home parked therein. If a portion of a mobile home space is used for motor vehicle parking, no additional off-street parking facilities need be provided for the mobile home parked in that space. Refer to Section 1210, parking requirements, city comprehensive plan.
   K.   Certificate of compliance with all resolutions, ordinances and regulations regarding mobile home court licensing and zoning, health, plumbing, electrical, building, fire prevention and all other applicable ordinances and regulations shall be a prior requirement for granting said permitted conditional use.
   L.   A mobile home court shall have an area of not less than forty-five thousand (45,000) square feet. Individual single-wide mobile home spaces shall have an area of not less than three thousand (3,000) square feet and individual double-wide mobile home spaces shall have an area of not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet. The minimum number of mobile home spaces in a mobile home court shall be six.
   M.   A minimum of sixteen (16) feet measured from any entrance, lean-to or other extension from said mobile home shall be maintained between mobile homes.
   N.   No mobile home space or office or service building shall be closer to a street right-of-way or other property line than twenty (20) feet on the front and sides, and no less than ten (10) feet on the rear.
   O.   A request for a permitted conditional use shall set forth the location and legal description of the proposed mobile home court property, and a sketch of the proposed mobile home court, showing dimensions, driveways, proposed locations of mobile homes, the location of sanitary conveniences and other buildings and improvements. (Ord. 475 (part), 1997)