New manufactured housing parks, as well as non-conforming mobile home or manufactured housing park(s) that must comply with current standards under Section 17.36.110, shall be developed in accordance with the requirements outlined in this section:
A. Manufactured housing parks may be established in specified zoning districts according to the procedures for granting permitted conditional uses, provided that the proposed manufactured housing park plans meet all local, state, and federal requirements.
B. Development of a manufactured housing park shall be located on a well-drained site, properly graded to ensure rapid drainage and freedom from stagnant pools of water. Any part of the space upon which a manufactured home is to be provided, shall be above the regulatory one hundred- (100-) year flood prevention elevation.
C. A manufactured housing park shall have the property corners monumented and contain no less than forty-five thousand (45,000) contiguous square feet, excluding alleys, access roads, playgrounds and service buildings.
D. Each manufactured home lot shall have an area of not less than fifty-six hundred (5,600) square feet. The minimum number of six (6) lots is required for an approved manufactured housing park. Each manufactured home lot shall be clearly defined by permanent markers on the ground.
E. Within the manufactured home lot, there shall be a minimum distance of six (6) feet on the sides and rear, and twenty (20) feet on the front between the manufactured home or any of its appurtenances and the nearest lot, right of way, interior roadway, or property boundary line.
F. There shall be a minimum distance of twelve (12) feet between individual manufactured homes.
G. There shall be a minimum distance of twelve (12) feet between manufactured homes placed end-to-end.
H. Each designated manufactured home lot shall have a minimum width of fifty (50) feet.
I. Office or service buildings shall have a minimum set-back of twenty (20) feet from any manufactured home lot, right of way, interior roadway, or property line.
J. A manufactured home shall not be parked or occupied for any purpose unless it is located in an approved designated manufactured housing park or other approved area authorized by the City Building Official.
K. A manufactured or mobile home in a manufactured housing park shall not be used for anything other than residential, or a permitted or conditional use home occupation that meets the requirements of Chapter 17.12 of this title.
L. A manufactured housing park shall not be used for transient or overnight camping purposes.
M. Each manufactured housing park shall be permitted to display one (1) identification sign that meets the requirements of Chapter 17.38 of this title. The sign shall include only the name and address of the park, and may be lit by indirect lighting.
N. The entrance to each row of lots shall have a directional sign indicating lot numbers in each row. These numbers shall be a minimum of four (4) inches in height.
O. Each lot shall have a number displayed in a consistent location, either within the lot, or positioned directly on the manufactured or mobile home. These numbers shall be a minimum of four (4) inches in height.
P. Standard fire hydrant placement shall be, at minimum, placed in a manner to comply with Section 15.04.010 of Custer City Municipal Code.
Q. All manufactured homes in manufactured housing parks or mobile home parks are subject to applicable regulations in Title 15, Buildings and Construction, of the Custer City Municipal Code. (Ord. 923 (part), 2024)