The use of property or the construction of any building for any purpose permitted in the park district (P) shall be subject to the following restrictions and requirements:
A. Drainage Ways. No land or water area shall be filled, dredged or drained nor shall any natural stream or floodway be encroached upon or polluted.
B. Clearing. No land shall be cleared for cultivation, or other purposes; provided, that this provision shall not prohibit the harvesting of woodland products on a sustained-yield basis.
C. Exceptions. Exceptions to the foregoing conditions may be authorized by the city council for navigation channels, drainage channels, roads, clearings, or other improvements necessary for the protection of existing uses or the proper development of adjacent properties; provided, that such works or improvements shall be so limited that they will not tend to destroy or materially change the natural conditions of rivers, woodlands, swamp, marsh, shallows or other wetlands.
D. Maximum Lot Coverage. The maximum lot coverage for all buildings shall not be more than ten (10) percent of the total lot area.
E. Maximum Height. The height of dwelling unit structures shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet. (Ord. 432 (part), 1995)