13.04.290   Water service deposits.
   A.   Any customer requesting water service from the city shall be required to make one of the following deposits based upon the type of service required:
   1.   All commercial accounts: one hundred dollars ($100.00);
   2.   Residential accounts: fifty dollars ($50.00);
   3.   Rental accounts: one hundred dollars ($100.00).
   B.   The city finance officer shall, at his or her sole and unlimited discretion, have the ability to waive the deposit in consideration of the customer’s previous record of prompt payment to the city for utility services. Letters of reference from other utility companies are not acceptable in lieu of utility deposit.
   C.   A delinquent account deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall be required in addition if the customer has had prior service with the city, and had such service disconnected for nonpayment, or if collection efforts such as small claims action or collection agency action were taken, or if the customer had four late utility payments (not consecutive) with any twelve (12) month period.
   D.   The Custer City finance officer shall deposit such moneys in a separate account and interest earned thereon shall be the property of the city. At such time as water service shall be terminated, the city finance officer shall promptly refund any such deposit to the water customer; provided, however, that all accounts are paid in full. In the event that the customer shall fail to pay his or her utility billings to the city before the same may be delinquent, then the Custer City finance officer shall have the right to withdraw such trust fund and apply to any obligation. This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedies the city shall have for the collection of such moneys and the right to terminate such service upon nonpayment by the customer. (Ord. 681, 2011; Ord. 652 (part), 2008; Ord. 620 (part), 2005: Ord. 603 (part), 2004)