The public works director may issue permits for excavations or laying of service as provided in the foregoing section and only after compliance with the following:
A. Where there is no existing tap to the city water mains or an additional or different tap is to be made, application is made in writing to the community development director, the public works director, or city finance officer by the owner or agent of the property to be served. The application shall designate the name, address, legal description of the property, the kind and size of tap to be made, and the nature of the water use, and if residential use, specify the number of families or residences to be served thereby, and shall be accompanied by the fee as set forth in an amount set by resolution of the common council.
B. All persons are required to give two weeks advance written notice before tapping into a water main line.
C. No tap shall be made of any city water mains except by employees of the Custer City water department, or under their supervision. The city will provide the curb box and curb stop. Installation of the service line, curb stop and curb box to the main will be at the expense of the property owner per city requirements; and any maintenance, repair or replacement of the service line from the curb stop to the structure shall be the responsibility of the property owner; any maintenance, repair or replacement of the service line from and including the curb stop to the main line shall be the responsibility of the city. The property owner shall place a shutoff, hand valve and check valve at the meter so as to isolate the meter for repair or replacement.
D. The plumbing and shutoff valves must be approved by the public works department prior to being accepted to the city water system. All meters shall be purchased through the city.
E. No cross-connection will be made to the city potable distribution system that would allow contamination. (Ord. 603 (part), 2004)